Chapter 11

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"Does it help if I want to kiss you too?"

Michael's P.O.V

After Kelsey & I had an interesting night together, we spent the next day away from each other. I woke up after Kelsey did but I could see her laying out on a towel near the water reading a book. She looked like she was in a zone & I didn't want to distract her.

I decided to spend my day on a really long run. I wanted to explore more of this place & sort of separate from life for awhile.

As I was running, I thought about my night with Kelsey. I honestly never thought I'd have sex with her but hey it happened & I had no regrets about it. I honestly didn't feel anything in regards to it. Sure, I felt turned on, it was hot, I had way more than a good time but I didn't feel anything in regards to liking her. It wasn't like I was in love with her, I didn't even really have a crush on Kelsey. I think we both wanted to have a fun night & with this place literally screaming romance, it happened.

We both had a lot of frustration to get out & I guess that was one way to release it.

I never had a one night stand but my mates had before & this was sort of the feeling they would describe after the fact so I knew that my feelings were normal. The only difference is this wasn't a one night stand that I'll never see again.

I'll see Kelsey in a few hours & I hoped it wouldn't be weird between us.

After spending a day out, I went back to the villa early evening. Kelsey was still outside, although now she was laying on the hammock in the shade.

"Hey." I walked outside by her. "Long time no see."

"I know. You slept in so late & when I went to look for you later, you were gone."

"I was exhausted." I laughed realizing that I was so exhausted due to our night together except I had no idea if we were ever going to speak of that or not. I was content either way but I got the vibe we were sort of going to let last night go. "Did you spend all day outside?"

"Yea. I wanted to lay out & relax. What have you been up to?"

"I went on a run & I spent some time walking around, ran a bit. It's too pretty here."

"Oh okay, well that seems really nice, Michael."

"Yea. I think I'm gonna shower now but you enjoy your relaxation time. We can get something to eat in a bit?"

"Sounds good."


Later that evening, Kelsey & I were sitting outside on our little patio after finishing dinner that we ordered from room service. Our conversation had nothing to do with last night. Instead, we were talking about our favorite movies & t.v shows. It was as if last night hadn't happened & I wasn't sure if I was happy with that or not.

"Hey Michael."


"We haven't used our hot tub yet."

"Oh, right." On the other side of the patio we had our own little pool that had a separate section that was a jacuzzi tub. "Did you want to go in tonight?"

"We should right now. We have nothing else to do, right? & we only have a few nights left so we should get our use out of it."

"Right, sure."

& so once that was decided, I went inside so that I could change into my swim trunks since Kelsey was already wearing her bikini from laying out all day. Once I changed, I went back outside & she was standing near the hot tub.

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