Chapter 8

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 "Right this way, Mr. & Mrs. Clifford."

Kelsey's P.O.V

"Hi, we have a reservation." I said once we walked into the restaurant.

"What's the name?"

"Michael Clifford." I answered & Michael smiled at me.

"Oh, of course. Right this way, Mr. & Mrs. Clifford."

I followed the hostess, Michael following behind me before she led us to our table for two.

This restaurant was nice. Everything was candle lit, the table cloth was so white, everyone was dressed up, the conversations were quiet. It was fancy.

"Wow." Michael said once we sat. "I feel like I don't belong in here."

"I know! I feel like I'm going to spill all over this table or laugh really loud & everyone will stare."

"We can give them a show."

The waiter brought us our own bottle of wine, apparently that was a complementary newlywed gift. Michael & I didn't oppose.

"So can I ask how you met Lauren? Is that weird?"

"Nah. Uh, I met her back when I was still in school. I think I was fourteen. She was in my english class & I sat behind her. I was that annoying kid who would write her notes & she'd never reply, I'd kick the back of her seat & I did anything to get her attention but for the first few months, she wouldn't even give me the time of day. Then one day she finally wrote back & she passed me a note with her phone number & then we started hanging out together, she sat at my lunch table & within a few weeks, we started dating. It was so innocent at first & I would barely call it dating because we were fifteen & we only held hands but hey. We were together ever since."

"Wow. That's kind of cute."

"Yea. How did you meet Kyle?"

"I met him at school. It was like my second week in Australia & I was walking around the school campus trying to find the admissions building because I had a form to turn in & he asked if I needed help & when I said where I was going he told me that's where he was headed as well so we talked the walk there. Once at the admissions building, he admitted to me that he didn't have to even go here but he walked to talk to me so he said he did. We got coffee the following day, he started showing me around the city & then one evening he invited me out with his friends to celebrate someone's birthday, we had a drunk make out at the bar & we ended up passing out on the floor of his kitchen. We woke up in the morning & we just laughed about how crazy the night was & then we brought up the kiss & he said he wanted to try it again but sober & we were together from that day on. He was just always so carefree & that's what I wanted."

"You slept on his kitchen floor?"

"I guess we were too tired to make it to his bed or even a sofa."

"Wow. I like it."

"We were shit shows."

"Nah. Lauren never partied much but I did with the lads & she would always get so mad."

Michael & I had a really nice dinner, I mean the food was amazing & they did have this chocolate pie so we shared that for dessert since I was still in my heartbroken chocolate eater mood.

After the dinner, Michael & I took the long path back to our villa. We were in a different area of town & there were so many locals walking around, it was really interesting.

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