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Michael, if you tell me to stay, I will.

6 Years Later

Michael's P.O.V


"What?" She snapped at me as I called her down from her room.

"No need for the attitude, I have something to tell you! It's exciting news."

& then she ran downstairs. "What?"

"Do you remember Kelsey?"

"The girl that was here when I was little?"

"Yea, her."

"The girl you were so in love with?"

"No I wasn't."

"That's not what Uncle Ashton says."

"Well still, do you remember her?"

"Yea. Why?"

"She's coming to visit."

"No way, when?"

"Next month. She's been mentioning coming out here again recently & she just finalized her trip."

"That's cool. Do you think she'll remember me?"

"I know for a fact she will."

"Can I go over to Jenny's tonight?"

"Yea, sure. I can drive you over later."


So since Kelsey left, maybe, just maybe, I was hung up on her for a bit...actually a lot. I cried to Ashton for a few weeks after she left & then I moped around for months missing her.

There was something so weird about losing your best friend with the snap of your fingers. One moment Kelsey lives a few minutes away & is over almost every single day & the next she's in Alaska.

It took me awhile to get used to losing Kelsey, to getting used to her not living near me - as a best friend & as someone I was falling in love with.

Two years ago, I met someone though. Her name is Penny & she's an amazing woman. She isn't Kelsey but I can't compare. That isn't fair to her.

Penny is great, she's gorgeous. She is in business like I am so we met at a work convention type thing. We had so much in common. Penn was the first girl I had met in years that I didn't have a gut feeling telling me no. Something about her was so positive & so I went for it & we've been together since.

We still don't live together but she doesn't live too far away so that isn't an issue. I just wasn't ready to move someone into my house with Addie until I knew it was forever.

Addison lives with me though now. Once she started school, she came to live with me because our schools are better than the ones by Lauren. Anyways, Lauren was so busy with medical school & Addison needed more attention so she moved in with me permanently & I love it.

Ashton & Callie got married. They were tired of distance & after Callie finished uni, she moved in with Ashton & they stayed together.

Luke is dating a girl of about a year now named Katie who is practically perfect for him.

Calum stopped his partying & non-dating ways & he surprisingly got married too within a year of dating this girl named Mary & they're great together. Oh & Calum is a dad now. He has a newborn son who is the cutest little guy.

As far as Kelsey, we did stay in touch. A lot once she initially left actually & as the years passed, it turned into an e-mail every month, a phone call every couple but that's okay, change is okay.

Almost - m.cTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang