Chapter 28

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"Can you just tell me why you don't like her?"

Michael's P.O.V

After the Olly incident, things became a bit weird with Kelsey. I mean the night of the Olly thing was hot. We hadn't fucked in a public place before & even though a toilet isn't that nice, it was so in the moment & I was raging with okay, yes, jealousy, so it was rough & we were living it.

The rest of that weekend, we didn't talk much & when we did meet up throughout the week to hook up, we didn't speak much before or after the sex. I would literally walk into her room, say hi & then just kiss her. Our friendship felt a bit off & I wasn't sure why it was feeling this way.

I could assume part of it had to deal with the fact that I admitted to being jealous. You shouldn't be jealous of a person you're only with benefits for. We made it clear that each other could hook up with whoever we wanted whenever we wanted yet as soon as she was about to, I flipped out & I wanted her for myself.

The weekend following the Olly night, Kelsey had a weekend-long convention she went to for baking things. Her internship paid for her trip & so she was out of town. Now, I had Addison with me so even if Kelsey was here, we wouldn't be hooking up but I was determined to make things feel normal between us again.

& okay sure, I missed her a bit.


how's the baking thing?


not too bad. there are so many people here. i'm literally walking through a giant convention center where people are begging me to try their desserts. i can't complain.


i miss you.


i wish you were here with me.




so i could make you feel so good.


i can make you beg for something too ;)


don't do this to me right now.


& isn't addie over anyways?


well yea but she's napping.


why shouldn't i do this to you right now?


i'm literally surrounded by such important people & i'm taking classes from some of these people tomorrow. they can't see me all uncomfortable right now.


then leave ;) go to a different room.


i can't! it's just one giant room!


you can go to the toilet again. remember how hard i took you when we fucked in one?




does that mean continue?

Almost - m.cTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon