Chapter 7

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"I'm a heartbroken chocolate eater."

Michael's P.O.V

Since I had a massive nap the previous day, I woke up fairly early. I mean it was 8:00 in the morning but that's early for me...unless I have Addison around because then I'm awake by 7:00 because that girl's stomach is like a clock & it knows what time it needs to be fed.

I saw that Kelsey was asleep next to me, curled up with a pillow, so I quietly got out of bed, not wanting to disturb her. Then I changed & I got ready for the day in the amazing bathroom, taking another shower just because.

I really wanted to spend the day walking around the area so I grabbed my wallet, my sunnies & I decided I'd wander. I may get lost but I have nothing to get home for so it's okay if I'm gone awhile.

I followed a few signs that led me to the information desk & I ended up getting the pamphlets on trails in the area before I had the lady tell me, & write down, directions to the town area that Kelsey had seen yesterday.

Once there, I found a small shop & I ordered a coffee & some type of donut-ish thing before I just sat to relax.

I watched the other people around me, most of them being other vacationers, & I won't lie, there were quite a few couples all around. I mean this had to be a popular honeymoon spot & I thought they were all adorable actually. They all seemed to happy.

I wasn't bitter, I wasn't jealous.

Lauren is a great girl & I wouldn't change a thing about being with her for the time that we did but we both knew it wasn't forever.

I had dated Lauren for years, since I was in my mid-teens & it was such a cute, young love, relationship. We were so determined to be together forever but as we got older, I knew forever wasn't going to be forever. & then Lauren was pregnant & nine months later, my little pipsqueak was born.

I wouldn't trade Lauren & Addison for the world. Sure, I grew up at twenty, I became a father, I had to wear tutu's & teach her the alphabet while my friends were out getting drunk & owning the town but I wouldn't change it. Each late night cry I had to calm, each dirty diaper I experienced or any time Addison spit up on my shirt, I wouldn't change it.

I love being a dad.

Lauren & I were fairly close during the pregnancy. We knew that we wanted to keep the child & that we wanted to raise it together. In the bottom of my heart, I knew that if Lauren wasn't pregnant, we likely would have broken up but I loved her & there was no way I'd be a dad that leaves.

Though the start of parenting was so stressful, it was also beautiful & so for a time, that was a fix for Lauren & I. We were able to share these moments with Addison & so our relationship seemed okay for the first year.

But then things declined again. Lauren hated so many little things I did, the quirks I used to find adorable in her annoyed the hell out of me & we weren't happy. We wouldn't cuddled or kissed for weeks at a time, the sex totally stopped, the love died.

But we wanted Addison to have a mom & a dad.

Then we just realized that she would have a mom & a dad, just not in the same household.

It was the most mature decision I made but I knew it was right.

When I bought an engagement ring & I proposed to Lauren, I knew it wasn't meant to be. I did it because I felt like I had to, not because I wanted to.

After spending the entire afternoon roaming the streets with these thoughts, I somehow made it back to the villa.

When I walked in, I went to find Kelsey.

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