Chapter 22

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"You can read. I can kiss."

Kelsey's P.O.V

It was an overcast day. I was sitting at my desk doing a reading for uni while Michael was taking a nap on my bed. He had a long day at work & he insisted that his house was too far to drive because since he needed a nap a.s.a.p so he basically invited himself over to take a nap in my bed.

I didn't care what he did, I had work to do & as long as he was silent, I could get it done.

It was weirdly comforting though to see him curled up in my bed, to hear the rain, to not have the sun in my eyes for once as I drank my tea, getting lost in my reading too.

That's one thing about Michael. He's a very cuddly person. Even just in his appearance when he wears a flannel that's too big for him or a band t-shirt, you can't help but want to lay by him. Michael liked to cuddle too. You could tell it in the way that he would rub circles on my arm or kiss my neck after we had sex. He liked the physical contact.

However, it wasn't attraction in any other sense than physical though that I felt for him. Hey, I'd cuddle with Ashton too or Luke as well. That's just a physical touch that humans like. It had nothing to do with the fact that it was Michael.

As I was reading about the history of the evolution of health codes in restaurants, I heard Michael sigh & I turned to see he was now awake.

"Hey." I waved over at him. "How was your nap?"

"Exactly what I needed. Thanks for letting me crash here."

"I don't really think you gave me a choice but you're welcome."

"But do you know what I could use now?"

"What Michael?"

"A nice blow job by the infamous Kelsey."

"Oh really? Well Kelsey is busy right now."

"She is? What's more important than Michael though?"

"Finishing her reading so she can then work on this essay."

"School before me?" He asked as I turned back to my computer so I could ignore him. I then felt two hands on my shoulders. "I don't think so, missy." He whispered before he leaned down to press his lips to the back of my neck.

"Stop. I need to work."

"Are you sure you want me to stop? Because I was kissing you last night & you were definitely not saying stop."

"Michael! I have ten pages left. Let me read this!"

"You can read. I can kiss."

"No. This has to wait." I moved my body forward so he wasn't kissing me anymore.

"What's better than this, though? We have your apartment to ourselves for once, it's a gloomy day, my voice is still raspy from sleeping which I know you like to hear usually in the morning." He paused. "Just imagine me taking you very slowly, very deep. Don't you want that, baby doll?"

"Michael, stop it!"

"C'mon Kels. We both know very well that you won't be able to concentrate on that reading anymore so just come take a break and come help me."

"Take a break so I can give you a blow job? That's not too appealing."

"Oh no, I'm gonna fuck you too. Please?"

I tried to ignore him but he was right, as soon as I looked back at the book in front of me, I couldn't read a single word.

"Fine." I scooted my chair out. "But this better be good."

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