Chapter 26

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"We don't do those things because this isn't a relationship."

Michael's P.O.V

"When can we have sex?" I asked Kelsey as I was spinning on the chair in her room around & around & around.

"Once Becca's parents leave the apartment."

"Why are they even here again? They're disturbing our sex time."

"Because they were dropping off some form she needed for a bank account she's opening or something, I don't know. I think they needed an excuse to come visit. They miss her & she barely visits home."

"Oh, okay." I nodded, then going back to spinning. "Can't we just be quiet then?"

"No, Michael! I'm not having sex when my best friends parents are literally in the room next to us. They were nice enough to work out the lease agreement so I could live here with her once I left Kyle & I don't want them to be like what the fuck is she doing in there?"

"She's fucking. That's what you're doing in here."

"No, I can't let them hear this."

"I can be quiet, can you?"

"We both know the answer to that." She laughed. "I can't be."

"Well I'm just that good." Kelsey was laying on her stomach on her bed looking through a magazine. "What are you even reading? Some celebrity shit?"

"No, I'm reading Cosmo."

"Oh. The sex section?"

"Duh. What else is it good for?"

"What is it about this month?"

"Well these girls wrote in asking if the smell of their vagina was normal & apparently they are pretty normal except for this one girls who the doctor said might be some yeast infection."

"Okay. That's not interesting or a turn on, Kels. Why would you read that?"

"I don't know. But this other section is all about ways to spice up a sex life."

"Oh." That sounded better to me. "What does it say?"

"Well, this one guy wrote in about how he used ice cubes on his girl, like he blindfolded her & began running ice cubes over her body. Apparently she liked it."

"That's kinda hot. Would you want to try that ever?"

"Hmm. Maybe. I mean his girlfriend liked it so." Kelsey shrugged her shoulders as she continued reading. "Oh, this one recommends the girl becoming dominate for the night, well whoever is sub to be dom."

"I like taking control though."

"Trust me. I know you do."

"I mean if you want to control me, you can try it I guess."

"Nah, I like being told what to do. I would just laugh too hard if I started ordering you around."

"Okay so we won't try that one. Does it give any other tips?"

"Yea but those don't really apply to us."

"What do you mean they don't apply? We have sex. How can tips not apply?"

"Well it's all about like telling your partner that you want to be honest with sex which we already do. & then it goes into ways to make your relationship stronger like by going on dates before sex or cuddling after. We don't do those things because this isn't a relationship."

"Right, duh. So is the ice one the only thing we can try from that article?"

"Uhm, oh, this is one about role play but that's not something new, I obviously have heard of people doing that."

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