Chapter 5

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"Jeesh, is it good?" 

Michael's P.O.V

Kelsey & I arrived in Aruba mid-afternoon even though my body had absolutely no idea what time it was. I wasn't even sure what time it was back in Australia or anything at this point.

I was going to do my best to judge the time by what was on the clock & not let jet lag hit too hard.

Kelsey & I were exploring the villa that we'd be living in for the next week & I was blown away.

A week ago I was returning an engagement ring for the girl who I thought I'd spend the rest of my life with & now I'm off on a heartbreak trip in Aruba.

"Damn you really did pack that thing tight!" I walked into the bedroom & I saw Kelsey was unpacking her suitcase, which was literally spilling everywhere as soon as she unzipped it.

"Yea. I had to make everything fit!"

"Clearly you did. Good luck when we have to pack it all back up."

"Hey! Don't talk about that yet. Don't talk about the end of the trip."

"I guess you're right. But hey, I'll uh, I'll sleep on the sofa just so you know."

"Michael don't be ridiculous."

"I mean this is technically your honeymoon so you deserve the bed."

"This bed is ginormous, it's big enough for both of us. It could fit like five people actually."

"I don't want it to be uncomfortable or awkward or anything." I admitted to her.

"It would be fine with me so it's up to you but I won't make you stay on the sofa, okay? Stop thinking this is my trip, it's just as much mine as it is yours."

"Alright. We'll see then I guess." I took a seat on one of the chairs in the room as Kelsey continued unpacking. I wasn't planning on it. I didn't really care if my clothing wrinkled or anything but then I was getting extremely tired, I was falling asleep in the chair.


"Mhm?" I shook out of a haze. I was dozing off.

"You should take a nap."

"I don't want to sleep this trip away."

"Well you're already asleep on the chair & it's okay to nap. This trip is about relaxing & naps are relaxing."

"You're right. I might go lay out on the hammock outside & rest then."

"Okay. I think I'm gonna walk around the area. There was that little place that our taxi drove us though with some shops & stuff I might just go take a look for awhile."

"Sounds good, Kelsey. Just don't get lost."

"I'm good with directions, no worries."

"Wait, are you really?"

"Yea. I can navigate pretty damn well, is that surprising?"

"Yea. Lauren & I both sucked so we'd get lost a lot."

"Well I can help then. Kyle & I were both amazing at directions but we tended to butt heads about who was right sometimes."

"Well then it looks like we're the perfect team." I smiled at Kelsey before she put on her sunglasses & then she walked out of the room as I walked outside to the hammock. It was perfectly positioned under the shade of a huge tree but I could still see the water down the view from me, I could hear the waves & I could still feel the sun. It didn't take long before I fell asleep for quite a few hours.

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