Chapter 30

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make sure you read chapter 28! i don't think everyone that read 29 had read 28 because the views are lower & i'm not sure if a notification was sent out that i had updated that one so just making sure!

But I didn't actually want her to go.

Michael's P.O.V

Once I admitted, out loud & genuinely this time, to Ashton that I did have some type of feelings for Kelsey, everything began to feel different.

Before, I would want Kelsey to come over so I could hang out with her, sure, but mostly because I wanted to have sex with her.

Now, I wanted her to come over so I could talk to her, make her laugh. Honestly, I'd be completely content if she came over & we didn't even sleep together.

But I couldn't let her see the change in me so I kept it as usual as possible.

However, the sex felt weird now.

Before, I had no problem with our benefits relationships, she was my booty call. Except now, I was feeling guilt with that. I didn't want to treat Kelsey that way. I did still treat her with respect & everything but since I had developed feelings for her, I wanted this to feel like more.

I wanted the sex to mean more than just pure sex.

I wanted it to mean as much to her as it did to me.

It felt weird to sleep with her now. It was still fantastic & hot but I wanted it to be something more than it was.

Luckily, I had the weekend to think about everything I was feeling. Sometimes I would have Kelsey come over to hang out with Addie & I but I wanted this weekend to be just for my daughter & I.

I heard a knock at my door so I could only assume it was Lauren dropping her off.

Once I opened the door, I saw Lauren & Addison but I also saw another person.


"Hi." I looked at Lauren.

"Hi daddy!"

"Hey pipsqueak." I felt Addison hug my leg.

"Hey Michael, this is Christopher, my boyfriend."

"So I've heard." I went to shake his hand. "Hi."

I had heard from Addie over a month ago that Lauren was dating someone else & from how it sounded, Addison liked him a lot. He was good to her, apparently.

He looked like a nice guy I guess.

There were no hard feelings - I just wanted to make sure he was good enough to be around my daughter.

"Can I show Christopher my tea set I have here?"

"No, that's okay Addison. We're just dropping you off." Christopher told her.

"Oh, okay. Next time can I show him, daddy?" She asked as she then reached to hold my hand.

"Sure, next time. It was nice to meet you." I waved to Christopher as he & Lauren were turning for the door.

"Yea, same."

"I'll drop her off Sunday at like 4:00."

"That's fine." Lauren told me. "Bye sweetie."

"Bye mommy!"

Addison & I spent our Friday night painting with sponges & creating a huge mess in my kitchen but I loved listening to her ramble on about her favorite things or what she did this week. Addison managed to make a trip to the grocery store sound like a crazy week-long adventure.

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