Chapter 14

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"You're a liar, Michael!"

Michael's P.O.V

After we landed in Sydney, Ashton was there to pick us up & then he drove Kelsey to the apartment she was staying at.

"Thanks again for driving, Ashton." She told him as she was getting out of the car. "It was really nice of you."

"Not a problem. I'll see ya around, right?"

"Yea, I'm sure of it."

"Hey, I'll help you bring your things to the door." I told Kelsey, also getting out of the car as I grabbed her suitcase for her from the back.

"You didn't have to help me, Michael."

"I wanted to, it's not a problem." & then Kelsey unlocked her door & I rolled her suitcase inside. "I'll see you around, right? Like Ashton said?"


"Okay. Maybe we can hang out sometime this week?"

"Yea, that's cool. I mean after spending so long with you, I might have Michael withdrawals."

"Well I'll be here so just call me whenever you're bored."

"You got it."

"& I honestly owe you for taking me on that trip."

"Nah. I was glad you could keep me company, Michael."

"Well it was definitely an amazing time."

"Yea it was."

"Well I'll let you unpack & everything." I said making my way toward the door.

"Okay. I'll see you later."

"Bye Kelsey."

"See ya."

I was bummed about leaving her. I really was.

Once back in the car, Ashton just smiled at me.


"Tell me everything."

"We told you everything." I told Ashton. The drive from the airport to Kelsey's place, we told him pretty much everything about the trip from where we ate, to the scuba diving, the hikes, the bar, Kelsey getting too drunk, even about how we were recognized as a couple at times. We included everything except for the whole having sex twice part.

"You're telling me you just spent over a week in probably one of the most beautiful islands in the world, just you & her, & nothing happened?"

"Nothing happened."

"You're a liar, Michael!"

"I am not! Ashton, stop!"

"You two didn't even like cuddle? Did you share a bed?"

"Well the bed was big so we had our own space. She slept with her head on my shoulder on the plane & that was it."

"Wow. You two must really be heartbroken to not have taken advantage of the situation."

"What do you mean?"

"If I was asked to go on this holiday with a stunning girl in literal paradise & nothing happened between us, then something really would have to be weighing on my heart & my conscience & so I guess Lauren is still on your mind, is she?"

"Well she is but not nearly as much as before. I'm totally content with how everything worked out with Lauren. I wish she didn't move back home with Addison & I wish I had my daughter more but I am fine with my relationship with Lauren."

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