Chapter 4

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36 hours

Kelsey's P.O.V

I was sitting on my suitcase, trying to zip it shut & once that struggle was over, I was officially ready for Aruba.

I met with Michael the other night for coffee & we went over like the details of the trip. Kyle & I had some adventures, dinners & such planned so I was explaining them to Michael, letting him know he was welcome to come with me for them or he could pass as well. I gave him the details about our flight & hotel too, which was a honeymoon suite but even though it obviously wasn't exactly for that purpose anymore, it'd be nice so why fight it.

Turned out, Ashton offered to drive us to the airport so we didn't have to worry about parking a car there for a week & I appreciated that offer a lot.

I took a picture of my suitcase finally closed & I sent it to Michael. I had sent him a picture earlier of everything I had planned to fit into the suitcase & he told me it wasn't all going to work but it did & I had to show him I did it.


ha! it all fits :)


you must be the queen at packing then. good job.


thank you. are you excited for tomorrow?!


i am! i am not looking forward to this day & a half of traveling we have ahead of us though before we reach paradise...


i know! there were no quicker flights! we'll have to find ways to entertain ourselves on this travel part.


definitely. well actually i barely know you so i can just bother you with a thousand questions or something.


perfect :) now go to sleep! it's late & we have a trip ahead of us!


okay, goodnight Kelsey. i'll letcha know when ashton & i are on the drive over by you tomorrow.


okay. night!


I woke up the next morning & I threw on an oversized jumper & leggings, wanting to be comfy for the flight. I knew it would be horrible to travel for so long, like it was 36 hours of travel or something, so I didn't even bother with much makeup or trying to make my hair look presentable. I opted to be comfy than cute. I had no one to impress anymore.

I made myself a big breakfast & I lounged around for the morning until Ashton & Michael came. I was currently living with my friend, Becca. She took me in when I broke it off with Kyle.

Once here, Michael carried my suitcase down to Ashton's car & I locked the apartment behind me before we were officially on the way.

"Are you guys excited?" Ashton asked us. Michael sat in the backseat, leaving the passenger seat open for me.

"I couldn't sleep last night to be honest." I told the guys. "I'm really excited for this. But last night was supposed to be my wedding night, isn't that weird to think?"

"Yea." Michael piped up from the back. "How are you dealing with it?"

"I talked to Becca a lot, she kept me company. It was weird because I was playing out the wedding plans in my head, you know? & I kept thinking like I was supposed to be walking down the aisle right now, I was supposed to be giving my vows right, I was supposed to be married by now."

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