Chapter 19

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"Go at it? Are we animals?"

Kelsey's P.O.V






i have an answer to that question you asked me yesterday.


okay. wanna come over tonight & talk?


or not talk depending on what answer you pick ;)


kidding. come over later. i'll make dino nuggets.


i'll be there :)


"Hey, in here!" Michael called out when he heard me open the front door. I slipped off my shoes & I walked into the kitchen, where Michael was checking on the dino nuggets in the oven. "How was your day, Kelsey?"

"It was fine. I went to school, you know. How was your day?" We were being awkward again. We never had such surface level conversations as this one in such a long time.

"It was fine, I went to work, you know." He imitated me & then he laughed a little. "Uhm, we can eat in like five minutes if that's fine."

"Okay, sure. Thanks for uh, thanks for making dinner."

"I bought a giant bag of them the other day & Addison is going through a stage because she saw part of Jurassic Park the other night when Calum came over so these nuggets scare her now."

"Awh, well that's adorable yet so sad."

"It won't last long. She'll want them again soon but either way, I have a ton in the freezer."



"Alright I'm just going to say it because this is too damn weird right now. Kelsey, I'm sorry I asked you that yesterday about the whole benefits thing. We can pretend it never happened. It has been awkward since the moment I asked & I apologize so forget I it. Okay? Just forget it."



"I'm down."

"Wait, what?" He looked up at me, his eyes already lighting up.

"Yea, why not. You're right, Aruba was hot so why not just like go for it, you know?"

"I wasn't expecting you to want to do it to be honest."

"& why not? I made it very clear that I liked sex, remember?"

"Well yea, you're damn good at it too but I don't know! You just acted so weird after I asked last night so I assumed it was a no."

"Well, I'm fine with it. I had to think it over. We can't deny that at least in the bedroom, there's something between us."

"It just seems perfect, you know? No commitment, no worrying about relationships, no rebounds. We're just going to have sex because I think we could both use some & we want some."

"So uhm, how does this work?" I then asked as Michael was taking the food out of the oven.

"I don't know. I mean we can still hang out & we can watch our show together & eat dino nuggets or whatever but if either of us are bored or horny, we can just kinda go at it. with no strings attached."

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