Chapter 18

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"Okay can you just ask me what you wanted to ask me."

Kelsey's P.O.V

So last weekend Michael told me he had something to ask me. I had brought it up a few times since we had some t.v marathons together but he continued to find an excuse not to tell me. He said it wasn't the right time, that it didn't matter anymore. But yet I knew he had something important to ask me.



hey friend!


hi Michael :)


guess who finallllllllly is all moved into his new house & wants you to come over & see it?


i'll give you a hint. it's me.


yay! i'll come by tonight!


perfect. the guys will be here too! we can do a little housewarming party.


okay :)


& i promise tonight i'll finally ask you that thing i keep ignoring.


okay cool. see you later.


"So Ashton is bringing his girlfriend tonight." Michael told me after I had taken the tour of his new house & I then joined Calum & Luke over on the sofa.

"I didn't know he had one." I admitted. Ashton never mentioned it to me.

"Oh." Calum said. "Well her name is Callie. They've been on & off for awhile but apparently this time they're both pretty serious. I like her, she's cool."

"Me too." Michael agreed as he sat next to me. "I've always wanted them to last. Ashton is always so happy around her."

"Why are they on & off then?"

"Because Callie lives a bit away & Ashton hates the distance but she's almost done with school & so he's not as worried anymore I think. They want to try again." Luke explained to me. I thought that made sense. But Ashton didn't strike me as one who would like a long distance relationship so I understood.

Then Ashton & Callie came in. She looked adorable. She had these green eyes that I knew Ashton probably adored & she seemed like a sweetheart.

"So you're Kelsey? I've heard so much about you!" She hugged me as soon as we were introduced before she & Ashton sat on a chair together. "You're like so pretty."

"Awh, thanks."

"This place is sick." Ashton spoke up. "How does the little pipsqueak like it?"

"Well she came with me for a walk through when I purchased it but she won't see it until next weekend. I don't think she understands the whole moving thing yet but I hope she likes it. I tried to make her room seem as comfortable as possible so it feels like hers."

"What a great dad." Luke high-fived him. "You're great, Michael." That I agreed with. Michael was great.

"I'm glad you're back, Callie." Calum smiled over at Ashton & Callie, who happened to be sitting very cute together. "I missed ya."

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