Chapter 16

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"Technically it wasn't a honeymoon."

Michael's P.O.V

"So Michael, tell us more about this honeymoon." Luke demanded as he sat on my sofa with another beer in hand.

"We already talked about it. I already told you basically all of it. It was two months ago so why are you asking now?"

"No, you told me the cliche answer of like oh it was a good time away from reality but I want detail! You've had time to have it at settle so I thought maybe you'd be more truthful now with the details."

"What kind of detail are you expecting, Luke?"

Calum spoke for him. "You know, like how hot was Kelsey in her bikinis? Did you two share a bed? How close did you sleep? How many times did you hook up? Those kinds of things."

"Stop. That wasn't the point of the trip! I already told you that I don't like Kelsey in that way. I don't like anybody in that way right now."

"Answer my questions!" Calum yelled at me.

"Fine. Kelsey looked fine. We shared a huge bed so we slept far apart. We never hooked up."

"Liar." Ashton smirked. "You have got to be lying."

"I'm not lying! Why do you think I'm lying, Ash?"

"Because I feel like you & Kelsey were in such vulnerable positions & throwing yourselves away from reality while in total isolation would only increase your emotions & what better way to deal with a broken heart, on a trip to help you get over someone, than by having fun & hooking up with the beautiful girl who took you along."

"Nothing happened. She slept on my shoulder on the plane. That was it. That was the closest we got."

"Boring." Luke faked yawned. "You didn't take advantage of the trip then."

"It's not like I'd take advantage of Kelsey or anything."

"That's not what I'm saying." Luke defended himself. "It could have been mutual. What if she wanted to hook up with you the entire trip & she waited for you to make a move that was never made?"

"Well then sorry." I apologized to them.

But little did these guys know that we did hook up twice, that Kelsey looked out of this world in a bikini & we cuddled quite a bit. Still, it didn't actually mean anything to me. Sure, it was hot & fun & the type of distraction I needed but it didn't actually mean anything & I'd rather not have these three guys always pushing me or questioning me about her so I just wanted to keep it a secret between Kelsey & I. It happened, it was in the past, that was it.

"I have a question." Luke said.

"Great." I stared at him. "What now?"

"I know you're like not ready to move onto another girl & I totally understand that but what about like finding someone to just have some fun with?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like find a girl to sleep with, fool around, fuck. You know? I know you don't want a relationship so find someone who also doesn't want a relationship. Find someone who might be up for a friends with benefits type thing." He passed. "& by someone, I mean Kelsey."

"You want me to sleep with Kelsey?" I asked, acting totally shocked even though I already had.

"No wait, Luke is onto something." Calum joined in. "I'm sure Kelsey doesn't want a boyfriend right now. You're both coming off of serious relationships where I'm sure there was a ton of sex so I bet you both miss it so like why not do it together."

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