Ch. 1: Falling For A Grease

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A/N: Hello everyone!!! This is my first novel ever and I am truly excited to write it! I'm sorry if the first few chapters are a bit sucky! But bare with me. I am pretty sure my writing will get better!!! I have several great ideas for my novel and I hope all of you enjoy it.  Also this novel wil contain mature stuff later on in the novel. It will have curse words, voilence and sexual stuff. So if you don't like that maybe you may not want to read this novel. I love you all! Please commment/vote/share and follow! It would mean the world to me. xoxoxo ~Ashley

Ashley's P.O.V

We finally arrived to a new unknown driveway that led to our new house in a new town. My sister Daphne immediatly got off the truck the moment my dad stepped on the brakes revealing her exhaustion of the long drive.I watched as she speed walked towards the house, my parents aside of her, opening the door to our new house stepping inside.

"Ashley!!!" My mother called.

"Yes Mom?!" I yelled.

"Can you please help take down all the moving boxes and bring them in the house?"

"Yeah mom. Don't worry. You guys can go rest, I got this."

"Good, because I wasn't going to help anyway." Daphne said.

"Daphne, its not like you ever do!" I yelled back at her.

Sometimes I wonder how I'm even related to her. I mean. We don't even look alike. She's just so annoying, lazy as hell, mean, beautiful and smart, and oh whatever.  

I went towards the back of the truck and began taking down the boxes to bring them in the house. As I continued walking back and forth, on the way back I'd feel a sudden urge to explore the new town, but instead I just went back inside to help get the house set-up and prepare for my first day of school tomorrow. Boy was I going to miss my old house and friends. 

The next morning I woke up at 6:30 in the morning. Great!!! First day of school!! Isn't that peachy? I got out of bed clumsily, practically dragging myself off the mattress feeling goosebumps with the chill the new house brought since it was so cold.  Quickly I looked through several boxes to look for a perfect outfit, but since I was beginning to run late I didn't really care, so I just grabbed some pitch black skinny jeans and a navy blue wide shoulder sweater, a bit too small for me, which revealed my black bra- straps and my abs. I decided not to even style my long v-shaped light brown hair so I left it down and put on a black bandana on my forehead. I quickly threw on a pair of white high top converse and with that I left the house in no time, running down the stairs, grabbed an apple for breakfast and began walking on the new unfamiliar sidewalk I had never stepped foot on till now.

When I found my way to my new high school, I noticed a very peculiar thing. The whole town really. Its as if it was divided by two worlds, which I later realized it was. Soc's and greasers.

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