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Youth Pastor: So why are we serving at this thing?

Kid #1: Jesus!

YP: I- okay. Yes, but- anyone else?

Kid #2: Because of Jesus..?

YP: *sigh* All right, but-

Kid #3: To serve Jesus!

YP: I'm outlawing any answer that contains the word "Jesus."

Kid #4: ... Because of the Bible?


YP: Right! So what should we be doing instead?

Kid #1: Following Jesus!

YP: Get out.

*way later*

YP: So, if (something i can't remember), then (something else I can't remember)?

Kid #1: *visibly jittering in the corner as he resists the urge to say Jesus*

*way way later*

YP: So who should we be following?


YP: *nudges Kid #1* you got this bro

Kid #1: Je... Je... Jesus?

YP: You got it! But how do we know which choice is actually following Jesus?

Kid #1: We listen to Jesus!

YP: Yes but-

Kid #1: We follow Jesus!

YP: okay but like-


YP: *sighs into hands*

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