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So we've got this visitor from another country staying with my grandparents this week, and I was riding in the car with my grandpa and the visitor (I would tell you his name but I honestly just can't spell it :/). Grandpa says, "Goodness, this car is a pigsty!" (it seriously was)

And the visitor says, "Yeah, you could find anything in here!" He reaches his hand down in to the crack between the door and the passenger seat and said, "Oh, you want cookies? Yeah, just look right over heeerreee... Yup, here's the cookies!"

And grandpa goes, "Ha! That's- oh!"

I peek up at the front seat, and what do I see?

Yes, our visitor has literally reached down into the gap between the seat and the car door and found a bag of actual cookies.

Something tells me it's time to clean out the car.

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