The Other Surprise

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We head to the school.

Aphmau POV

Wow, this school is so awesome and gigantic. It even has a swimming pool, and a huge practice room (Its there to practice your magic). If that was the school manual then the inside must be better! Like I predicted the hallways are so big and there is a huge amount of classrooms! After what seemed to be like forever we finally found the principal's office.

My Mom and I walked into the room and we certainly didn't expect this. In the room was a lot of cats and flowers and other cute things. Wow this person must like a lot of cute and pretty things.

"Oh, hello, you must be, Aphmau, I'm principal, Lizzie."

Wow, she looks like she's in her early 20. (By the way guys I'm using characters from channels I watch so I hope you like that and principal Lizzie is also known as Ldshadowlady ). So here's your class schedule and just remember school starts on Wednesday.

"Okay!" I yelled as I left the school. I saw that there were flower beds everywhere . I actually liked that because I like flowers.  

As we headed home I saw that there was balloons at my door. That's really weird why are there balloons at my house. When I opened my door and turned the lights on everyone I knew and some new people there shouted SURPRISE. Then I saw that all my neighbors even the neighbors that I didn't meet came, and surprisingly I saw that my friends from back home came!

"Polly," I squealed. I was so happy to see her that I gave her a hug.

"Hey, Aph, glad to see you too.

"Hey, Polly, I didn't think you would have came to my birthday party."

"Of course I wouldn't have missed my best friends birthday party for the world!" Polly exclaimed, "Even Laila and our other friends are here."

"Hey, Aphmau, happy.      birthday,"Laurence interrupted.

"Happy birthday, Aphmau," Garroth added in.

"Thanks you guys glad you could make it!" Aphmau replied.

"Oh, hey, Aphmau, is this your boyfriend?" Polly questioned.

"What, no, Polly, you got it all wrong," Aphmau said embarrassingly. The weird thing about it was when I looked at Garroth he started blushing like a tomato."

"Bye, Polly, I'm going to go get a drink over there," Aphmau said.

Wow, who ever set all this up must have out done their selves. There was lemonade, fruit punch,  and soda . Even the snack table looked good it had chips, fruit and cake. The cake looked so good it was my favorite kind of cake which is red velvet with purple frosting and sprinkles! Then Aaron came up to me and said happy birthday to me. Everyone is really nice today.

After 30 minutes it was finally time to cut the cake. Everyone yelled happy birthday to Aphmau and she turned sixteen!

My birthday party was really amazing and I finally turned sixteen. I can even get my drivers liscence now. I'm so happy that my new friends and my old friends made it.

"Hey Aphmau," Garroth asked,"Can I talk to you?"


He leads me to a quiet place and says "Aphmau, I think I really like the cake! It was delicious."

Hey guys and happy Thanksgiving sorry this chapter isn't really that long I was too busy with Thanksgiving and other stuff.  Also I'm thinking of doing side stories do you think I should do them and I'm not going to tell you who I ship because I want it to be a surprise.  Also I hope you like it and bye: )

         P.S. if you have any ideas for future chapters leave them in the comments below and sorry for the cliff hanger because it's not gonna be what you think it is.

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