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Hey, guys Happy Thanksgiving. Well it's a little too late to say that right now, but did you watch the latest episode there are so many ships right now and a little part of my head thinks Travis is the Demon Warlock , but who knows maybe I'll add him to the story. By the way I just came back from shopping.  Anyway let's get back to chapter 9. Ya that's right I'm calling them chapters now.

Garroth POV

I'm going to tell Aphmau the cake was amazing. I just want to start up a conversation. She seems kind and nice, and she is super cute! 

Aphmau POV

Garroth just said that he had to talk to me about something.  So I follow him to a corner to talk. Then Laurence sees us and comes over.  

"Hey guys what are you talking about? " he asked.

"Oh, I don't know he was going to tell me something until you interrupted us."

"So, Garroth, what were you going to tell her," Laurance asked?

"I was going to tell her that I liked red velvet too," Garroth whispered. Then Garroth just walked away glaring at Laurence. Why is he glaring?  

Garroth POV   

I had a chance to struck up a conversation with Aphmau and Laurence just ruined it for me! 

"Why, Laurance, why!" I mentally screamed.

I always knew Laurance had a crush on, Aphmau. It was so obvious. It's just that she has a cute face with gorgeous hair and her eyes just sparkle in light and her personality is so sweet.  

"I really wanted to tell, Aphmau, that I want to be friends with her and later maybe even more.

I know, I'll ask her if she wants some ice cream at this new place I found downtown then I can ask her if she likes me too!

Laurance Prov

I know, Garroth, likes Aphmau since we have been friends for years but he was that brave to actually almost ask Aphmau if they want to be friends.
Okay, then, I will just have to step my game up because I like her too. I like her because she is so pretty and has a personality that is sweet and kind which I like. I know I'll ask her if she wants to meet at the new ice cream shop that just opened downtown .I know she wants to go with me. What girl wouldn't?


The party ended at 2:00 ( Ya that early because I had to make time for the ice cream thing and I couldn't make it at night because it's closed).

Aphmau POV

I said goodbye to my best friend Polly and said which school I went to. I also said hope I see you again.

"Don't worry you will see me again soon." Then she left. I heard some foot steps behind me.  

It was Garroth and Laurence they looked like they were going to ask me something. Then they both yelled "Do you want to go to the new ice cream place downtown with me?" At the same time. They started glaring at each other and were saying I said it first. I couldn't say no to them so I just said well I can go with you both. They just looked at each other angrily and said fine.

Garroth POV

Ugh I can't believe this happened . I just lost another chance to tell Aphmau if we could be friends.

"Well, Garroth I guess you we're going to go and ask her too. You know I can just ask her again another time."

"Yep, but so can I."

"So, what time do I meet you guys downtown.

"How about 3:00 so just in one hour"  Garroth and I said."

5 minutes before the ice cream meet up.

                           ***                                                                                                            Aphmau POV                                                                                                                                                                                          Okay I have my hair curled and I wore a lavender purple dress with some sandels and a purple bracelet.  Now I just need to go and ask my mom if she can drive me downtown. My mom said yes!!  As we headed downtown I saw that there was a performance near some alleyways. I met up with Laurance and Garroth and said goodbye to my mom.

"Hey guys."

"Oh, hello." Garroth replied. "You look really pretty today."

"You look gorgeous today Aphmau." Laurance added in.

"Thanks for the compliments," I blushed.

We went to the ice cream store and I got cookie dough ice cream. Garroth got vanilla ice cream, and Laurance got chocolate ice cream. 

Then we headed to watch the show. The stage was big and they were doing some kind of concert I think. Then after the concert ended there was a comedy show that was so funny that I fell into the alley way some how.  Then my mouth was covered and I was being dragged away by someone with a mask. ( no it's not Aaron)  I tried to let myself free, but the person was covering my eyes.

Then he finally opened a door in the alley way and tied me up in a chair, and I realized I was trapped. The person finally uncovered my  mouth and said oh look who we have here.  

Then I yelled "WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME!"HELP HELP SOMEONE HELP ME!"............ to  be continued 

Hey guys this is a long story since it is Thanksgiving so I wanted it to be special so it took me sooooooooo long to make this. Sorry about the big cliff hanger I know you want to know but you will know tomorrow.  By the way I try to make at least one chapter each day and if I don't make a chapter it's probably  because I was either really sick or super busy.  By the way guys if you have any ideas or if you want me to do some side stories then leave them in the comments below. Thank for reading and bye: )

The Magic SchoolTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon