Alien Princess

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Chapter 24

Here's how I imagine her room to look like. It's really nice.

"It's absolutely amazing. It love it so much. But are you sure you didn't do some plastic magic on me right now. I mean I never looked like this before." Aphmau said amazed.

Her eyes were a sparkling purple. With a tiny amount of shimmering gold in the middle of her eyes.

"I promise it's not playing whatever you said. It's all natural. I have the kind of magic to undo spells. Anyway do I seem familiar to you." Kaitlen questioned.

Being myself and not trying to be rude even if I didn't really know her I said "Oh you must that girl I met some days ago. I can't believe your here."

"Ya I'm not gonna fall for that. I knew you would forget me. Anyway I'm Kaitlen from your high school. I work as a substitute nurse here BECAUSE SOMEONE didn't hire a new one yet, but I also love to fight and I'm part of the royal warriors group who protect royals." Kaitlen replied.

"Wait your that Kaitlen. What are you doing here? Does that mean you one of the spies too. I can't believe you" I accused.

"No, no I wasn't a spy. I just attended high school there. It's a good school after all" Kaitlen answered.

"Wow really I didn't get the chance to spend much time there. I was too busy going on adventures and doing other stuff. Anyway I need to do more exploring so bye".

"See ya."

"I see you had fun with Kaitlen and NO I didn't forget to hire a new nurse. It just takes time that's all. Let's put that aside and show you to your room you didn't get a chance to see it earlier" Ryan smirked.

"I'd love to see it let's just hurry up."

"Here we are"

"It's amazing I can't even believe that this is mine."

The room was a modernized room with a flat screened T.V.
and the bed had grey pillows with black sheets. The black sheets had light black lace on the ends of it. The floor looked like it was polished marble and was so clean it shined. There were also black paper lanterns on the ceiling and the walls were black. (Her mother might seem emo to you but I'm just trying to explain that the room is very modern. Her mother is not emo)

"Good because it's not. This is actually your mothers room." Ryan smiled.

My face flushed with embarrasment. How could he do that. That's so mean. "You know what it wasn't my taste anyway. It had too much dark colors in it. Now can I see my real room now. And just so we're here don't ever do that again. I hissed".

"OK well anyway your room is right next door and in my opinion way better than you mothers room." Ryan assured.

"Now this is what I call my room except there's barely no purple here, but you know what I still like the room. It's really nice. Who thought if the design." Aphmau asked.

"Your grandmother, the last queen of Bloom, did. She always knew your tastes. And she basically was you. She even looked like you. Except the eyes. You see every royals eyes are unique and exquisite. Her eyes had the same shimmer as yours, but they were a dark shade of crimson. Your mother was not the last queen because she ran away from home with you when you were 2 after something tragic happened. And the queens second son was too young and didn't even want to be king So here you are now. The princess and future queen" Ryan lectured.

"Well anyway thanks for the extra info. I guess I'll have to see my grandmother soon. I didn't think old people had a sense of fashion. WAIT who even said I was going to be queen. I can't handle that." Aphmau yelled.

The room had lots of pink in it. With white tiles on the floor and two hanging crystal lanterns by her bedside tables. The bed cover was white complimented by a pink stripe on the cover. The front of the bed had a yellow base. With pink flowers as patterns. The pool was the best of them all they shared it with 5 other rooms, two guest rooms, and also Kaitlen and Ryan's room. (Her mother's room was not part of the pool)

Why didn't mom ever want to come here before. It seems wonderful. More importantly where is she.

OMG the ELA State Tests are tomorrow and I'm writing instead of studying. I'm pretty sure I will at least pass the test, but I want to get a really good score instead of just passing it. Also it snowed 6 INCHES TODAY!!!!!!! I don't think that's normal. I mean it's April. I would be expecting flowers and green trees right now. Also I hope you like Aphmau's room because I love it it's awesome. By the way if you didn't know, but the emojis starting last chapter told you how my life was going. So you know if I was doing well or not, but you know some people don't want to know that and if you don't really care then you can just skip this part. Anyway Bye :)


Word Count: 908.

Time: 7:03

Date: April 4, 2016

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