Secret's Revealed

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Have you always wondered what things were kept away from you? Secrets those people always hid? Well, I was setting out to find them all!

Well, I just hope I do this fast enough so I don't back out last minute. I run to the library hoping I don't get caught. I just hope grandmother isn't there. I almost peed my pants when she caught me last time.

When I finally got there, I saw a glass case covering the book. I groaned. Why does everything have to be so hard? When I looked closer I saw that there were wires hooked to the glass. The wires led to an alarm on the wall. Hmm, so how can I get the book without ever touching the glass? I looked around the library until I found something to help me.

A few minutes later I found the section about magic. I then realized I could just move the glass with magic without ever touching it! That's genius! I grabbed the first book I saw about moving items magic. It was called "A Dummy's Guide on How to Move Things."

Well, I guess this is good enough for my level, but I never will admit I am a dummy!

I went to the table of contents and went to the section that reads "Moving Heavy Objects." I briefly skimmed through the section until I found something that looked useful. I focused on the instructions and pictured the glass case lifting up in my mind. A stream of almost clear magic shot out from my fingers. The magic almost looked like it was dancing in the air. It started stalking towards the book until it started lifting it up. I was freaking out! It actually worked! Now I can finally open this book.

I quickly scoped out a hiding place just to be safe if someone was to come in and bust my plan. Better safe than sorry.

Now time to open this book! When I touched the book there was this big blue sphere the surrounded the book and gradually expanded. It continued doing this until it covered my whole body and burst! That was when it turned to a random page almost like it wanted me to read it. Well even if it didn't I would still read it.

The book had no title but just words, and words, and even more words! I knew this was going to take me a while to read so I put it in a huge bag I brought with me. I picked up a similar looking book and placed it on the pedestal. I mean when a book doesn't even have a title who's going to notice? The glass case moved back to the fake book with the help of my newly learned skill. I feel so achieved! I wonder if I should show everyone? You know I think I will!

I head back my room and lock all my doors. I immediately open up the book, and the book takes me to a page as if the book was alive. It was titled "Back From the Dead." This sent a shiver down my spine but I continued reading. The book stated "Many people want a second chance at life and here's a way to achieve it. But it will be costly and miserable. You have to become a Shadow Knight. To do so you have to die in the Nether or have another Shadow Knight convince you that you are abandoned and no one loves you. To actually gain immortality and enhanced powers you have to kill someone in the overworld that you were once very close too."

Wow having immortality and enhanced powers sounds amazing! Where can I sign up to be a Shadow Knight? Well, that's what I thought before I read this.

"However don't think being a Shadow Knight is all fun and games. Shadow Knights have a purpose and that's to make the Shadow King, Shad the Destroyer, rise back into power in the overworld. You see Shadow Knights don't live on this planet, but it has been their goal for many centuries to conquer this planet. They live on a planet far, far away."

It then flipped me to a page about Shad the Destroyer. I don't think I could handle any more new information after that experience, but my curiosity got the better of me.

Shad the Destroyer was a divine warrior just like Enki, Esmund, Menphia, Kul'Zak, and finally Irene. Shad was different than all the other divine warriors he was a warrior of destruction, a force against the sanctity of the world. Shad and Irene were lovers, but the fates were against them as they were personified opposing forces. Irene lost her emotions after a series of events so therefore could not return the feelings for those who love her, but she continued to do good deeds for the world. Enki, Esmund, and Kul'Zak all thought that if Shad was gone Irene would be able to have feelings again. However Shad found about this betrayal, and his anger turned him into something infinitely dark, the Shadow Lord. The five warriors fought the Shadow Lord and broke the the pieces of his relic scattering across the world. The Shadow Lord's soul is now locked in the Nether.

Wow, this is all so much to take in. Divine Warrior, me? No way! I can't believe I used to have a lover! Anyway, I think I need to take a nice long peaceful nap this is all way too much information in one day.


Hey, guys Happy Thanksgiving! I hope it wasn't too long since I published my last chapter. I've been feeling really bad about not publishing as often as other people. So I just wanted to make this chapter extra long and I actually did some research for this!!! I also haven't posted much because I had rehearsals to The Trials of Alice in Wonderland everyday, and unfortunately after school. Anyway I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter and make sure to like and leave a comment if you liked the chapter!


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2017 ⏰

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