Plot Twist

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Chapter 19

We sprinted back to camp to give the boss our stolen goods. "Hey, Aphmau thanks for helping me back there. That guy would've thrown me in the dungeons if you didn't help me out there" Amber said with happiness.

As she said that she hit her head on a tree she passed. "Owwww that hurt" Amber cried. I just laughed. Wow, I'm such a horrible person to laugh at something like that.

Right before we stepped in the base the boss came out. "Not so fast I know what you did. Don't even come here without bringing it" the boss said in disgust.

"Oh, we're really sorry Aphmau was only helping me not get caught because she forgot that you can't help people. So please forgive us" Amber pleaded.

"What you did that. I only stopped you because you didn't bring me my KitKats you know I love those. I would marry I creator of those things if I could find him" said KitKat. ( If you forgot already the boss' name is KitKat because I couldn't think of a better name)

"Amber why did you do that. We could've been fine if you didn't open your mouth" I scolded.

"I can't believe I missed that. Well, that's what I get for not keeping an eye on the trainees. Anyway, this is a really bad thing to do. So you'll have a big consequence. Okay, this is not really a big thing, but I just wanna have some more prisoners so this is how it will be" the boss said evilly.

"What that's not fair. You'r such an evil man. I can't believe this" Amber and I both said.

"Guards take them to the dungeons and by the way, Amber I was only using you all along, but of course you were always too naive to believe that" the boss yelled.

In the dungeons.

"Aphmau I believe that you'll be surprised at who's here and I hope you suffer because of that" the boss clarified.

I looked in the cells and I was devastated and happy at the same time. What I saw there was my mom. She looked weak and helpless and I could also see that she lost a few pounds. Probably from the lack of food. "You monster. How could you do this to her and how could you lie to me" I yelled.

Then I tried to slash my sword at him, but sadly he knocked my sword out oaf my hand with his sword.

"I always thought that you were the kind of girl to not back down and of course, I was right because I always am. You are nothing to me. I could feed you to the dogs and I wouldn't even care. You will never be as powerful as me. So know your position.

"No. Your wrong you don't know what I can do and you'll be sorry you ever said that. I say as a tear drops down on my cheek.

Just be continued

Hey guys thanks for reading and there's some conflict here and there is also a plot twist just as the title said. Can you believe it the boss is lying? You probably didn't expect this since the guy in the camp of Mettelli does this. Anyway, you'll have to wait and see what happens next time and I really should stop saying said. Bye :)


Word Count: 581
Date: February 1, 2016

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