Where is She

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Mom where are you mom. Mom.........mom don't scare me. OK now I'm getting worried. Where is my mom I head to the kitchen to get some food. I don't even know how to cook. What am I supposed to do. When I head to the counter I see the note. Oh great she must be out or something , but I wasn't expecting to see this.

Little girl your probably so worried for your mother right now. Well guess what I kidnapped her. If you want her back you have to come to a place. I will tell you where this is soon on another note. I hope you suffer now that you don't have your mommy and who knows maybe i will hurt her and you if you don't come.

Your worst nightmare

I fell to the floor crying after I read the stupid note. Th...th......this cant be happening to me. This its horrible. My mom is supposed to be my mentor for magics and I can't live without my mom. What am I going to do and who would do this to me. Its almost dinner time I should cook some food. I ate some leftovers from yesterday. After I ate my disgusting dinner because I couldn't heat it up properly and then I sadly went to bed. I wish I could save my mother, but I cant because I don't know where she is .

In my mind

Aphmau please don't come and save me I don't want you to go through all that trouble. "Mom who kidnapped you " I eagerly said. Oh sweety the person who kidnapped dosen't know I can talk to you like this, but the person is. Thats the end of it. No mom tell me. Mom please wh...why won't you tell me. Please mom I say as I cry. I then wake up. Why mom . Why..........

I woke up and it's morning. "Ugh" I groan. I feel so tired and grumpy and I have to get ready for school. I'm late again this time I only have one hour to get ready. I quickly where a purple t- shirt and some jeans. I look outside and see that its snowing. This kind of cheers me up since its the first time it snowed in December and the snow looks beautiful on top of the grass today. After I brush my teeth I quickly eat some breakfast and grab a coat and head out the door.

It's really cold outside. I can even see my breath in the crisp morning air. I'm glad it's winter I can build a snowman and go ice skating now. (Fun fact I only went ice skating once in my entire life, but who knows maybe that'll change this year). I walk to school with the boys and Kawii~Chan. I don't tell them what happened to me yesterday because I don't want them to worry............to be continued or not

Hey guys I hoped you enjoyed that and I finally got my wattpad to work I am so happy. By the way if you have any questions for the Q and A please leave them down below. Bye :)


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