An Evil Little Boy

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This is Cory's eyes up top. Just imagine it without the really long eyelashes.

When I walked in I saw that there are two other boys sitting on the couches in the living room. Of course, I already knew what they looked like, and thankfully not like my kidnappers. The only thing different about them were their eyes. Jason had dark obsidian-colored eyes with hints of dark purple and blue, Garroth eyes were light blue and I was shocked that I saw little bits of white in them.

"If you're done with gawking at us then we can introduce ourselves," Jason rudely interrupted. "I'm Jason and this is Garroth," he said while motioning his hands toward the blonde boy.

"Hi!" he awkwardly exclaimed.

There was also a little boy next to Garroth,  and I soon realized it was, Cory, my little brother! Where has he been? He's only four years old! If anything happened to him I wouldn't forgive myself! Luckily, my mum was sitting on the couch reading a book.

"Hey, Mum, what happened to Cory while we were gone?"

"I sent him to a nursery before I was gone missing. It was the weirdest thing, but I sensed that something bad was going to happen so I was prepared. It was a special nursery where the people keep your child as long as you want."

"That's weird, Mom," I said. "Maybe you have a gift?"

"Or I'm just a super Mom, Honey, think about it."

"Ya right," I exclaimed! "Whatever lets you sleep at night"

 I asked someone to show me the kitchen because I was still getting used to the castle. I quickly got some lettuce and went back to the room to feed Leona. I have quickly grown to like her. She's just the cutest thing ever! 

I went to the bathroom to take a shower when I noticed my bathtub was filled with toilet paper! "Who the heck did this," I screamed! 

Just then a maid came into the bathroom and just stared at the bathtub shocked. "Oh, I'm so sorry Miss I'll get this fixed right away. I swear we don't know what happened," the maid assured. I'm just glad that I was still wearing clothes.

"Thank you I appreciate you cleaning up the problem."

Deciding to wait to take the shower later I head down to the living room to find the culprit. Whoever it was they were gonna get it. Walking down the last few steps of stairs I scream "Okay who did it!"

"Oh, Sis, I see you had fun with your toilet paper present," Cory innocently said.

I just stared at him in pure shock. I couldn't believe he would do that! I mean I knew he loved doing pranks and stuff, but he was so young and he just came to the castle! 

"Why you little demon!"

"Now, now children try to get along," Mom pleaded.

"Ugh fine, but don't think I'm done with you!"

"Oh we'll see who's done," Cory smirked.

I glared at him and walked back to my room. I can't believe the nerve of that boy. Oh well, might as well help that maid clean the toilet paper.

"Hey, I just came to assist-"

"Oh I appreciate your kindness, Miss, but I'm already done with everything."

"How are you already done," I exclaimed, I wasn't gone for long!"

"Your grandmother only hires the best."

"Well anyway thank you for your time."

"No problem miss."

After the maid excused herself I thought a little more about what Laurance said to me. It's not that I don't find him attractive because I really do! But I only met him for period of time and I don't think I'm ready for a relationship yet. Oh well maybe in the future we'll have some kind of relationship. I wonder what........ to be continued


Hey, people school just started so that is another distraction I have to deal with! But anyway the main reason I haven't been writing because of writers block and procrastination. It's sucks!!! I am so sorry to those who expect me to write frequently but don't be surprised if this happens again. Good news is I'm in Drama Club!!! Yay!!! So I want you guys to try something new this week too! So while you do that bye!!! :)


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