New World

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Chapter 23

Here's how her real eyes look, but only imagine her with the pupil.

"Ugh, where am I. I feel horrible. I feel like I'm going to throw up." Aphmau whispered.

"I see you're awake my lady. I hope you had a good dream. I know you must be surprised at what happened to you in the last 24 hours, but please forgive us it was necessary because no one would just go in a portal with three men willingly. I will give you more details later about why you're here and by the way, my name is Ryan." Ryan reported.

Wow, he's looks hot, but I can't get distracted after all I did get kidnapped by this guy. I really want to punch his pretty little face right about now. "Can you just tell me right now I'm trying to hold back my anger. So you better tell me before I call the police." Aphmau yelled.

"Why don't you be more patient and you don't even know the number for the police here. After all, this is a different world and also your home planet" Ryan replied.

"Wa....wait what do you mean home planet and what do you mean isn't this Earth?"

"No this is a planet called Bloom and Bloom is also your real home planet. You know what just get some sleep we can just talk some more tomorrow" Ryan replied.

"B...but wait I'm not done talking I need to know more. Come back here. Don't make me chase you."

"Wow, your super impatient. Just wait until tomorrow. I'm too sleepy to answer all your questions" Ryan answered. Then he locked the wooden door.

All of a sudden, I feel really sick." Aww, man, I'm gonna throw up. Time to hide the evidence." I thought. I find an also wooden closet with multiple pairs of shirts. "This should do and it also pays back for kidnapping me. MWA HAHAHAHAH. I hope he didn't hear me" I exclaimed. Now time to go to sleep.

(In her dream)

"Queen Irene are you sure you want to do this" A man questioned. There is no going back if you do.

"Oh, Charlie stop being so scared. You need to live a little," Queen Irene exclaimed. Plus I don't think my sweet little granddaughter is really fit for the royal throne just yet and when she is she will come back. It's not like she'll be gone forever. We can just bring her back when it's time.

"But what if she comes to like that world. She would never want to come back" Charlie questioned.

"Don't say "what ifs" Charlie. You really need to stop saying that and I don't think she would do that. You have to trust a grandmothers instinct."

"No, really mother are you sure you want to do this. What if Aphmau hated us for never telling her such a big secret." Lily worried.

"Oh not you too Lily. I already said that bringing your daughter to the human world is the best idea and you can trust me. I also think it will be a splendid idea. Lots of royal kids seem to be spoiled because they're surrounded by money and I don't want that for Aphmau so this is a good idea," Irene answered.

"Okay, mother I know your always right about these things. So I'll just have to trust you" Lily blurted.

"By the way, make sure to change her eye color. We don't want anyone finding out she's a royal"

"OK mother. Will do." Lily yelled.

(End of Dream)

Woah, what was that? Did I seriously just dream about myself becoming a royal. Ya right. Never in a billion years. I even dreamed about my mother being a princess. Woah what time is it. Ugh, I slept for soooooo long it's already the next day. Well, at least I'll get some answers today. I go to the bathroom and freshen up. Then I try opening the door to explore the outside. I was just knocked out and ended up being in the room. So I really didn't get to explore. I still can't believe I didn't punch him in the face. Though it was really tempting. I tried opening the door, but it was locked.

"Anyone here, please come save me. I'm stuck. Someone locked the door. HELP. ANYONE." I yelled.

Just then the door opened. "Well, well it seems you wanted to explore. Why don't I give you a tour around then," Ryan smirked.

"Oh great, it's you. I never wanted to see you. Where are your comrades anyway. And I'm supposed to be getting answers right about now" Aphmau recalled.

"Well guess what do you want to get answers or explore the area first," Ryan asked?

"You know what answers can wait. I want to explore first". That way if things become the worst. I'll have a escape route planned out.

"You better not be thinking of an escape, but anyway follow me. The room you stayed in was a guest room, but I like to keep some of my clothes in there. So I hope you didn't do anything bad" Ryan answered.

"Hahahhahaha. Revenge is sweet" Aphmau laughed.

"Ok........I'll have to check that room later. But let me show you your real room. Your going to love it. It's the second room by the living room. And my room is 5 rooms down by yours if you need anything. Anyway here we are your room. Don't take too long I have more to show you. Wait I just remembered you need to be your real self. Come on let's go to the mini hospital we have here." Ryan exclaimed.

"What do you mean my real self and you have a mini hospital cool" Aphmau asked.

"Here we are the nurses have healing magic and can undo spells so we are going to undo your eyes because when you came to the human world you grandmother thought it would be a good idea to change your eye color so people wouldn't recognize you." Ryan lectured.

"Wait so you mean I didn't always have chestnut colored eyes" ( I hate when authors use the word ugly to describe brown eyes)

"Pretty much" Ryan replied.

I went into the mini hospital and found six cots. Three on each side. Each having different colored curtains with gold ribbon on the bottom. The walls were a nice color of orange and had a peacock painted on it. It was really colorful and I loved it.
"This truly is spectacular," Aphmau said.

"Then just wait until you see your real eyes. Kaitlen you already know who she is. So you already know what to do" Ryan reminded.

"Oh yes, your highness. I won't dare disappoint you. Kaitlen replied sarcastically. Anyway you must be Aphmau. Oh you're going to love your new look after I'm done with you. Just sit on one of the cots and I will use my magic on you. Don't worry it won't hurt"

I decided to sit on the purple colored cot. Am I too obvious.

"I knew you would pick that color cot. Your so obvious. Well anyway let's start." Kaitlen smiled.

She started saying some words that I could not hear really fast and then she said all done.

"Here look at this mirror. I remember when we were kids I would always be jealous of your eyes. They we're the prettiest things ever" Kaitlen remembered.

"I absolutely............... to be continued

An extra long chapter for extra special people. I can't believe we have 13k readers!!!!!!!!! YAY. Thank you all so much I'm am soooooo happy. I also wonder what you think of this chapter. And what do you think about Ryan. Do you think this is all bad or good. Well you'll find out on the next chapter. Bye. :)


Word Count: 1321

Date: March 27, 2016

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