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Chapter 22

Third Man's POV

We all tried opening the luckily big window, but it wouldn't budge. It was probably sealed shut for if anyone wanted to commit suicide because they were hospitalized and didn't like there life anymore. That kind of made me sad that people would actually commit suicide and I know what your thinking why would you kidnap someone if you get sad when someone committed suicide. Well that's because I need the money for my family. We don't have a whole lot so i really need the money.

We all started searching the room for something hard and that can easily break stuff. Then we finally found something it was a screwdriver. We actually started searching outside Aphmau's room (Her patient room) and near her room there was actually a toolbox. So that's where we got the wrench. We went back to the room and saw Aphmau waking up.

"Oh shoot she's waking up do you still have the rag" I said panicking

"No I threw away that ages ago. I didn't think we needed it. It said that normal people should have been knocked out for a day or two. I don't know what happened. *Gasp* Is she not normal maybe that's why the boss wanted her." The second and more dumb man replied.

"You idiot we don't need to know how special she is, because of your stupidity we now have to think of a plan B." The smart man said.

Just then the doctors and nurses came in. "Hold up. What are you doing here I don't think you were invited. Get out of here before I cause you some trouble" He yelled.

"Wow took you long enough. For a famous hospital I thought you would get here faster" I teased. I was only trying to provoke him so we could grab more time because sometimes time just slips out of your hands.

Suddenly Aphmau wakes up.

"Oh shoot. Oh shoot. Quick give me the screwdriver" I say panicked. Louie hands it to me almost dropping it. (Louie the more smarter man) "Thanks". Then I bonked Aphmau in the head until she fell unconscious.

"I didn't want to do this, but I guess I have to. I brought a portal leading to our planet. So Ryan ( That's the pov your seeing) you distract the guards while Rascal and I go through the portal. That's the plan B. Also make sure to bring the mom too. She's under the bed and don't worry she's unconscious. When I say go start the plan" Louie whispered. 1.........2..........GO

"Wow you whisper loud you might want to change that if your going to kiddnap in the future" the doctor corrected.

While the doctor was talking we sprinted past him and I carried Aphmau's mom in my hands. While Rascal the dumb one carried Aphmau in his hands. I always wondered why he has gold eyes only the royal family has that, but it could just be some wannabe wearing contacts. The other two guys already went in the portal before me so all i have to do is dash to the purple luminescent portal. Though it was not a square portal so you couldn't just walk in it, it was a circular portal that you had to jump through. I almost didn't make it because all I could see with my gold eyes was my brown hair all over my face. I barely made it through the portal because as soon as Louie saw my head poke out he started closing the portal. No harm done except I chipped my toenail a little bit.

And here the princess is going to start a new be continued

We are really close to the end of the book and I'm thinking about making a book two. Not exactly with the same characters, but maybe they have the same adventure in this world. Anyway who do you think the guy with the gold eyes and brown hair is. Also I could have made this update one day after the last update, but it was actually my second time writing a chapter on the laptop. Everything was perfect and then I went to hit the save button. Guess what I lost my wifi so I couldn't save. Then I thought wouldn't it automatically save on my tablet. So I closed my laptop and looked on my tablet. GUESS what it didn't save. So I had to write it all over again. I just hate when that happens. It wasn't even on my revisions list. Anyway Bye :)

(my life)

Word Count: 820

Date: March 12, 2016

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