Where's the Mom?

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Chapter 25

This is what her mom's eyes look like. Just imagine it without the butterfly.

"Um... where is my mom exactly?" I glared, "Did you do something to her."

"Ha ha. She's doing fine. It's not like she's locked up in a room or anything. I mean who would do that" he mumbled nervously.

I noticed he was looking away like he was hiding something. "Just tell me what it is I can handle it". When he didn't tell me I threatened him. "Tell me what it is or else I'll go nuts for bananas"

"I'd actually like to see that happen, but people would probably look at you like you lost your mind and in your case, for bananas. But a royal, like you, can not do that. It's a no no for them," Ryan teased.

"I didn't ask for the extra info. Thank you very much. Just tell me where my mother is. And Don't try to change the subject. Seriously, just tell me where she is," I pleaded.

"Fine. But if you freak out blame it on yourself"

"Ya, ya just tell me where she is"


"I can't believe she was in the nurses office all along. Why didn't I see her there before"

"She was just sleeping. Ya, that's all. And also we had to change her eyes too. People who are married into royal families also have there eyes change. There's a ceremony to it and stuff, but that's for another time" Ryan said.

"Really Ryan, really. You know your extremely bad at lieing."

"Hey, at least I tried." Ryan yelled.

"You just admitted it. You really are bad at telling lies" I smirked.

"Ryan just face palmed himself and said "Whatever. To tell you the truth she hasn't waken up even once now. We're going to have the nurses check on her after you leave."

"What did you do to her to make her pass out for that long."

"You don't need to know. It's not that important" was all he said to me. "And the nurses are going to check on her. You worry too much. Now let's just continue with the tour."

"I'll take your word for it, but if anything happens to her I will go after you."

"Okay... I'll pretend I didn't hear that. The next room we're going to visit is the kitchen and the garden. We grow plants and other things in the kitchen. So all the food your getting is fresh and organic." Ryan told.

"Wow that sounds good. I just thought you would buy it at a supermarket or something"

"Supermarket? Oh you mean those little shops. Oh sorry, ya we don't use that here. It has been so long since I've been to one of those before. You see I'm from the south castle. I just came here for some business. You know what business. So this castle is the north castle called Pheonixia."

"Oh that reminds me who's going to become queen"


"That's what she said.....or he," I mocked.

"What? Anyway your the only heir to this castle's throne. You don't have any other brothers or sisters."

"Why can't my mother become Queen?" I questioned.

"Well she's simply too old"

"Hey, she's not that old. Anyway I wanna see her now"

Then Ryan nervously said, "fine."

I found a woman sitting on the cot where my mother was. She odly looked just like my mom except she had different eyes. Beautiful eyes if I may say so myself. Her eyes looked just like the Earth. Green land with huge masses of water surrounding it. The woman came up to me and surprisingly hugged me. That's when I knew this is my mother.

"Mom, what happened to your eyes!" I exclaimed.

"The same thing that happens to yours, magic."

Then I remembered the secrets my mother hasn't told me yet. "Why did you keep this a secret from me?" I questioned.

"Oh, Aphmau I meant to tell you everything on your eighteenth birthday."

I tried not to forgive her because this was a very big secret after all, but she is my one and only mother and I love her with all my heart. "But I knew this was going to happen when our neighbors showed up at your birthday party," she admitted, "they all looked so familiar except their eyes were different. That's when I knew they were sent from the castle, and I knew them because they used to play with you when you were a baby."

Then Ryan started coughing nervously. "Well, I didn't think you would figure it out but you did. Anyway that's true I changed my name to Laurance so I could bring you back to the kingdom. Even those boys had a fake name which were Aaron and Garroth. That's not their real name."


Well that's the end of it folks. Not the end of the book, but the chapter. You don't have to pee your pants. Anyway can you believe it Garroth, Laurance, and Aaron aren't their real names? What do you think they are? Well, that's for next chapter and I hope you like Aphmau's Mom's eyes. Bye :)


Word Count: 875

Date: April 27, 2016

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