What Just Happened

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Chapter 18
"I'm a thief," I say sadly. But don't worry I'm going to quit once I find my mom," 

"Mom, what do you mean? What happened?" 

Oh shoot I almost blew it. Come on Aphmau gotta make a swift recovery. "Oh yeah I gotta find my moth,but you know what I could just get one from outside. So that's all set. He looks at me suspiciously. "Ok........." Laurance says suspiciously.

"Anyway let's get back to business. So my first mission is to steal something worth a diamond in this neighborhood and I need to get it before sunrise. So will you help me" I say.

"No Aphmau I won't help you like that, but" Laurance said. "Oh I knew I shouldn't have asked. I mean who would want to help a thief anyway". I say sadly. "No Aphmau I want to help you,but I won't help you steal I'm just gonna give you something worth a diamond ok. Let me just look in my drawer" Laurance said. "Oh it's okay Laurance it's not like you would have something worth a diamond just lying around in your drawer" I say. "Well your wrong about that because I just found something on the street and it looked really expensive. So this'll probably work" Laurance said.

Then he pulls out a necklace. That looks so pretty and expensive. I think it's made out of gold and diamond so it's not cheap. "Thanks Laurance. You really are a great friend. Even if you didn't give me the necklace you would've still been my friend. I really am greatful that I could have you guys be my friends"I said.

I get out of the hotel and I see that is a full moon tonight. This makes me feel weird for some reason. I never felt this feeling before. Oh well it's probably nothing. Its almost the end of the day. I should probably hurry up and go back to the base. While I head there I also see Travis along the way. Great more explaining to do. How small is this world. Then when I hear a voice say "please I have a family. Cant you just let me go. Of course that sounded like Amber and she's really horrible at lieing. "Hahahaha why would I let you go when you just tried to steal my book. This is the book my mother gave to me when she died" Travis exclaimed.

I really didn't want to do this but I know I have to. I begin to walk up to Travis and say hi in a clown voice just to get him confused. Then I go up to him and knock him out cold with my fists. "Sorry Travis" I mumble. "Come on Amber let's run before he wakes up" I whisper yell.

Hi guys if you dont already know im making a new plan. I made so many plans and you can already tell what this one is. Wellif you can't then it's to make a story whenever i have a good idea. Im doing this because i wan't quality over quanity. So i hope youguys are okay with that and if you didn't already notice, but i added a new cover. I didn't want the cover to be my profile picture. So i changed it to a girl that looks like Aphmau, but ofcourse Aphmau is prettier. Anyway bye guys and see you later. :)

Word Count: 581

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