The Winner Is...

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The Winner Is...

     Once again Diversity was sitting anxiously in front of the TV. Marcus and Little Mix were done with their songs, and it was just about to come back on to reveal the winner. Terry, Perri, Ike, Jordan, Warren, and Mitchell were all waiting for it to come on, waiting for Dermot to announce Little Mix as the winners.

     Ashley however, changed his winning choice to Marcus. He knew that Sam hated Little Mix, but if they had won, he would make Jade happy then break her. He was hoping Marcus would win, he didn't care if he'd have to serve Sam and create new choreography, he would rather him have to suffer then her.

     Sam was nervous. He was praying that Marcus would win. He really didn't like Little Mix and didn't want them to win. He didn't want to have to date one of the girls, especially for a year. As much as he wanted to enjoy watching the girl cry, he was hoping he wouldn't have to.

     The commercial cut off to start the program again, and they all raised their eyes to the screen. The camera was focused on Dermot and he was speaking about the votes.

     "I can now reveal the winner of The X-Factor 2011 is,.........Little Mix!"

     A large frown formed on Sam's face and all the boys but Ashley started cheering and laughing.

     "This is amazing." Warren laughs.

     "Oh shut up." Sam mutters.

     Ashley shakes his head in disappointment. "This isn't right! She's gonna get hurt!" He turns to Sam with angry eyes. "I know you don't like them, but you have to at least respect them enough to know not to mess with their feelings! Come on Sam, this is wrong and you know it!"

     "Too late. Bets been made." He mumbles.

     "Oh relax Ash, Jade may not even be interested." Ike says.

     "Oh no, that's the best part!" Jordan says. "He has to keep asking until she agrees."

     "But you're not gonna ask right away, your gonna go out for a few dates, and later you'll ask her to be your girlfriend." Terry says.

     "You guys really hate me, don't you?" Sam questions.

     "You're my brother, I could never hate you. I just like to annoy you a lot." Mitchell smirks.

     "And we're like brothers, so we enjoy the same thing." Perri says.

     Ashley shakes his head and stands up. "You're unbelievable." He says before walking away.

     "If she kisses me I'm hitting all of you." Sam warns.

     "Ooh, already thinking about her? Someone's eager." Mitch chuckles.

     "I think we should introduce the two now." Perri says. "They'll be up for a while with interviews and getting congratulated. I think Jade might like to see how proud her boyfriend is of her." He smirks.

     "Ugh, don't call me that." He groans. "And no, we're not going."

     "Oh yes we are." Warren says, walking over and lifting him up to his feet. "Let's go lover boy."



     The boys just entered backstage of the X-Factor stage and were trying to find their way around. The whole area was filled with people, contestants who were eliminated long ago, crew, mentors, and random people who they assumed were family or friends.

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