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     Today was the day that Diversity was performing on Got To Dance. They had done a quick run-through but had to end when it was time for Ashley to go on and take part as judge.

     After getting into his uniform, Sam went off in search of Ike to ask him about whatever's had him in a bad mood. As he walked, he felt something run between his feet almost making him trip.

     Sam turned around and saw a small fuzzy dog running around his feet and looking up at him. He looked down at her curiously and lifted her into his arms. "Hey, Honey, what are you doing here?"

     The dark barked happily and licked his face.

     Sam scrunches his face and wipes his cheek, sighing as he rubs her head. "Your mummy's not a good owner, is she? Letting you run around in a place you're not meant to be." He turns and begins to walk the other way with Honey in his arms.

     After walking down multiple halls and looking into a few rooms, he finally sees Elizabeth kneeling down with a table cloth lifted above her head. He rolls his eyes and clears his throat, causing Elizabeth to bump her head as she turns.

     She ignores the bump as she sees Sam holding their dog, a bright smile on her face. "You found her!" She jumps up and runs over, pulling the dog into her own arms and kissing her head. "I've been looking everywhere!"

     "What is she doing here, Elizabeth? Don't you know that pets aren't allowed?"

     "Yes, but I lost my room key earlier while I was walking her. And I didn't want to leave her in the car, that must be torture for her. Being trapped in a small place."

     "Well I'm sure it's better than being with you. At least she'd get some time away." He scoffs.

     Elizabeth frowns. "Sam, I didn't mean to do what I did! I'm sorry."

     "I'm not the one you should be apologizing to!" He exclaims. "You nearly killed someone!"

     "It was an accident!" She cries. "I was drunk! And jealous!"

     "Jealous is an understatement. Crazy pretty much sums it up."

     "People do crazy things when they're in love."

     "Whatever. Just keep an eye on Honey, you never know when she'll smarten up and try to leave too." Sam turns around and begins to walk away, going back to his previous plan of finding Ike.

     "I'm still in love with you, Sam!" Elizabeth calls. "Which means I'll most likely do more crazy things to get you back, despite the cost."

     Sam clenches his teeth and fists his hands, turning around angrily. "Stay away from Jade."

    She folds her arms. "Jade's a singer. She's in a band that most likely going to take off and tour the world. And when that happens, she'll be gone. What's the point in being with her if you're not actually going to be with her?"

     "I love Jade." He states. "If you do anything to harm her, I swear to God Elizabeth, I will-"

     "SAM!" Mitchell's voice calls. He runs over and grabs Sam's arm, lightly pulling him away. "C'mon."

     Sam glares at Elizabeth. "Stay away from her." He says before letting Mitchell drag him away.

     "Last time was an accident!" She calls. "This time won't be so innocent."

     Mitchell tightens his grip on his brother to keep him from turning. He pulls him to the room that half of Diversity was sitting in.

     Sam saw Ike sitting on a couch laughing, which calmed him a bit, but he was still angry and worried. He shoves Mitch away and goes to sit on a empty couch in the corner of the room, holding his head in his hands.

     After a few minutes, Jordan comes into the room and becomes worried when he sees Sam. He walks over and sits next to him. "You alright?"

     He shakes his head. "She threatened Jade."

     Jordan widens his eyes. "Elizabeth?"

    Sam nods and sits up, looking at Jordan sadly. "What am I gonna do Jord? She set Alison's house on fire because she thought we fancied each other, even though I was dating her. Alison was in the hospital for months!" He exclaims. "Jade's my girlfriend, what is she going to do to her?"

    Jordan frowns and pats his back. "Nothing. I just spoke to Jesy and she told me that they just made plans to go to Australia for a while after their break, and then they're going to travel to do interviews and performances. Jade will be moving constantly, Elizabeth can't touch her. Especially with Little Mix's body guards around."

     Sam sighs, hoping Jordan's right. But his words only make him think back to what Elizabeth said about never getting to see Jade because of how big she'll get. She's already started to go places, what will it be like in a few months when their album's out and they start preparing for another tour?

     "Don't worry, Sam." Jordan says, breaking him from his thoughts. "Everything is going to be alright."


Pretty short chapter, but I can't remember what else I had in it. :P I don't have my laptop with me and had to try to rewrite all of this. Which is also the reason for why it's so late. :P

Merry Chrsitmas (Eve) everyone! :D

~Question Of The Chapter~

Why did Sam go to Elizabeth?

I Have A Secret (A Jade Thirlwall/Sam Craske Story)Where stories live. Discover now