Unexpected Meetings

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Unexpected Meetings

     After spending the entire day trying to avoid Elizabeth, Sam was able to leave the Got To Dance studios with only the one encounter. Though that didn't mean he'd be safe from her the following weeks.

     As he made his way to his car, he felt someone walking behind him and frowned as he thought it might be the one person he didn't want to see. He turned around and saw Ashley behind him with raised eyebrows.

     "You alright, Sam?" He asks as he moves closer. "You've seemed a bit off all day."

     "Yeah." Sam sighs and begins walking side-by-side with him. "I just want to do this. I've only seen her once and already I'm anxious. How the hell am I supposed to do this for the next few weeks?"

     "Elizabeth?" Ashley questions.

     Sam nods in response. "No matter how hard I'll try to avoid her, she'll just try to find me. Terry was right. She hasn't said it, but I think she wants to get back together."

     "Have you told her about Jade? I know you're not really dating, but just tell her you're with her and you're happy."

     "Come on Ash, you know how jealous she gets. When I was talking to a fan in the early stages of BGT, she went crazy and nearly attacked the poor girl. I don't want Jade to be in her thoughts."

     "Because you care about her." Ashley says with a light smile.

     Sam bites his lip as he tries to think of a response. He knows Ashley is all for the two of them dating, but he still doesn't want them to know yet. "What? No. I just don't her to. If Elizabeth gets jealous of Jade and tries something, it could harm the bet."

     Ashley stops Sam as they reach his car and he folds his arms. "You can't tell me you don't care about her."

     "I don't." He lies.

     "Sam, when the bet started you used to try to leave the phone and ignore her calls or messages, and now whenever you get a call, you always run out of the room. You've been quietly talking to Jordan lately, and when the cheating thing came out you seemed really upset. Warren gave you the option of ending things there or continuing, and you chose to stay with her."

     "I wasn't upset. And I already told you the reason why I stayed, because of Jordan. He didn't want that to affect him and Jesy." Sam says.

     "Alright." Ashley sighs. "Well, I'll go look for Elizabeth and try to talk to her for you."


     Ashley turns around and goes back inside the large building while Sam gets in his car and drives to Jade's and Perrie's flat since she asked him to come over. He hated having to lie about his feelings for Jade, but he knew the boys would tease him for liking her after how harsh and negative he was a few months ago.

     When he got to their flat, he went up and rang the doorbell. Almost instantly he saw the bubbly Geordie with slightly brighter purple hair. "Hi Sam!"

     "Hello gorgeous, I love your hair." He smiles, running his hand through it.

     "Me too." She grins. Jade takes his hands and pulls him inside, closing the door behind them.

     As Jade pulled him to the living room and they sat on the couch, he placed his arm around her shoulder. "What did you call me over here for? I thought you were busy with the girls?"

     "We were just shopping." She shrugs. "We're leaving London tomorrow to go someplace to begin filming our video, and I wanted to spend the rest of the day with you. You weren't busy, were you?"

I Have A Secret (A Jade Thirlwall/Sam Craske Story)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt