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     Hours after Jade's phone call with Sam, she was in her room crying harder than ever before. Once she had finally managed to calm down, a knock on the door forced her out of bed.

     She unlocked it and pulled it open to see Perrie holding two large boxes of biscuits. "I brought comfort food." She says sadly, hoping it'll cheer her up a little.

     "Thanks Perrie, but I dont think biscuits are going to fix anything." Jade frowns, moving to crawl back onto her bed.

     Perrie sighs and places them on Jade's nightstand, climbing in next to her. "Did he answer?"

     Jade nods and rolls over to face the blonde. "He believes it Perrie. He thinks I cheated on him." She sniffles. "Sam hates me."

    Perrie frowns and wraps an arm tightly around her, softly pressing a kiss to her temple. "He doesn't hate you, love, he's just a bit upset. Sam will understand it was a mistake, things will be fine."

     "But what if he doesn't? What if this is it Perrie? I don't want to lose him, I love him."

     "I know baba, but this stuff happens to celebrities all the time. Those stupid gossip columns just need something to keep readers and make money, unfortunately they chose you."

     "Why?" She cries. "What have I done to upset them?" Jade asks, looking up at her with sad eyes.

     "You didn't do anything wrong."

     "So why are they doing this me? To Sam?" 

     "I don't know Jade, but I wish I could make this better. I'm so sorry."

     Jade frowns and snuggles into Perrie, letting more tears flow.


     Sam sat in the studio of Danceworks with the rest of Diversity as they questioned him on what he was going to do. Warren gave him the option to leave her if something like this happened, but Sam wasn't too sure on if he was ready to go.

     When Jordan had finally arrived, he pulled Sam away from the others and outside. "Do you really think she cheated?"

     Sam shrugs and leans against the wall. "I don't know? I answered her call earlier and she denied it immediately, begging that I listen and believe she didn't."

     Jordan sighs and runs a hand through his hair. "Sam, Jade's a really nice and sweet girl. I don't think she did."

     He sighs and folds his arms. "I think that if it was any other guy, I would believe her. But it's Derry."

     "Just because you don't like someone doesn't mean he's sleeping with your girl." Jordan advises. "It is possible that-"

     "They're just friends?" Sam asks. "I can't accept that."

     "You don't have to." Jordan tells him. "You have an option now Sammy, you can leave, or you can stay."

     Sam frowns and looks at him confused. "I don't know what to do Jord. I really like her, but I don't know if I can trust her. Even if this is just some rumor, Jade is incredibly hot; She'll be gone with the other girls everywhere doing Little Mix things, other guys will want her."

     "Then you need to find some way to trust each other."

     He sighs and looks down again. "Jade told me she loved me."

     Jordan widens his eyes and looks at him shocked. "She loves you?"

     "So she says." Sam shrugs. "I don't know if she said it because she thinks it'll make me stay with her, or if she really does. She told me it's real, and that she's even written a song about me. But she could just be saying that."

     "What if it's the truth?"

     "I don't know." Sam says, groaning at his mixed feelings towards her. "I think she's just saying it. I've only been doing this for a few months, how could she already love me?"

     "It is possible Sam."

     "I don't know." He repeats.


     While Sam had Jordan cover for him, he left the studios to try and clear his mind. He was desperate to escape his thoughts, just wanting to forget about everything that happened.

     He passed by a park and saw an empty stage and people loading things into vans. He looked at it curiously before deciding to sit on a bench and watch them to let the time pass.

     He found it to be an easy distraction. That is, until someone familiar approached him. "Sam?" The man calls sourly.

     Sam glances up and sighs when he sees the best friend of the person he wanted to leave his thoughts. "What are you doing here Joe?"

     "I had a charity gig." He mutters. "The real question is what are you doing here?"

     "Isn't it obvious? I'm sitting." Sam says, motioning to the seat under him.

     Joe sighs and drops his folded arms. "Perrie called me a while ago, told me that Jade has been in her room crying for hours! What the hell did you do to her?!"

     "Me?! I didn't do anything! Jade's the one that's been sleeping with other guys!" He defends.

     Joe glares at him harder. "You seriously believe Jade would cheat on you?"

     "Maybe." He sighs, dropping the angry tone. "I don't know what to believe."

     "Believe Jade!" He exclaims. "She's supposed to be your girlfriend isn't she?" Sam stays quiet and Joe sighs again. "Sam, Jade would never cheat on you."

     "Why? How am I supposed to believe that? You can't just tell me she wouldn't, when so many other people are telling me she did."

     "People that you don't know! They don't know anything about either of you." Joe says, taking a seat beside Sam on the bench. "Before you were with Jade, she was dating this guy named Daniel. We were all really good friends, and Jade was closer to him than anybody. More than her own family. She went away for a few days with her mum, and when she came home she learned that he cheated on her.

     She was so in love with him, and he crushed her heart. Jade locked herself up for days, not letting anyone in or ever coming out. After that, the idea of dating terrified her. She refused to be with any other boys, scared that they might do something to hurt her.

     Daniel broke her to the part where she was hardly fixable. Seeing her that scared worried me, and that's why I'm so protective of her, that's why I don't like seeing you with her. Jade hates cheating, the idea of it sickens her. She doesn't even like cheating on video or board games."

     Sam frowns at Joe's story and reasons, hating that Jade was hurt so bad. "So she didn't cheat?"

     "No. And you'd be an idiot to still believe that she did." He says. "I don't like you Sam. I think you're just some pig looking for a pretty girl to mess with. But Jade likes you, so I need to tell you why you need to believe her."

     Sam nods and looks over at him. "Okay, I do." He says. "But I really do like her Joe, that's not why I'm with her."

     "If you want me to believe you, you'll have to prove that." He says. "Money doesn't count, you can buy her something nice and expensive, but that doesn't tell anyone how much you care for her. Jade is worth so much more than all the money in the world."

     Sam raises an eyebrow and looks at him curiously. "Are you sure you're gay? It sounds like you like her."

     Joe laughs and nods. "Yes, definitely. I've just known her all my life, she's my best friend. She's special."

     "I know."


~Question Of The Chapter~

Why was Joe in Essex?

I Have A Secret (A Jade Thirlwall/Sam Craske Story)Where stories live. Discover now