Surprise, Surprise!

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Surprise, Surprise!

     Jade was sitting in her closet with nearly everything off the hanger and around her, anxiously going through every bit of clothing she had. Her nerves were stressing her out and it was giving her a headache.

     "Perrie! I need help!" Jade cries.

     "What with?" The blonde asks as she enters the room, seeing clothes covering the bed and floor. "Did your closet throw up?" She laughs.

     Jade pouts and turns around, lightly glaring at the girl. "I have nothing to wear!" She groans, standing from the pile of dresses.

     Perrie raises an eyebrow and looks at her confused, seeing Jade wearing a white crop top, black jeans, and a black cardigan. "I think what you have on is nice. Why don't you just wear that?"

     "Because I have no idea where Sam is taking me, I don't know how to dress for whatever he's got planned, and I'm extremely nervous!" Jade groans, dropping the skirt she had in her hands.

     "Babe, relax." Perrie chuckles, making her way over to Jade, careful not to trip over anything. "Why are you so nervous? You and Sam have gone on plenty of dates before."

     "I know, but he told me tonight was going to be a surprise. He hasn't really tried to surprise me with anything before, and when he did, everything just went completely wrong and we basically broke up!"

     "I can assure that what happened last time is in the past, and will remain in the past. Everything's going to be fine baba."

     Jade frowns and lightly rubs her head. "I just wish he would tell me how to dress, then I can try to prevent anything bad. What if I wear a cute little dress and he takes me to Mahiki or someplace? Or I dress in jeans and a t-shirt, then he takes me to a nice restaurant."

     "Jade, you look fine." Perrie assures. "You can wear this to a club or a restaurant."

     "But what if-"

     "Stop it." Perrie says. "You look fine." She repeats. "Now find some shoes and do something with your hair, I'll try to straighten all of this up for you."

     "Oh, Pez, you don't have to do that."

     "Yes I do. You're stressing too much already." Just as Perrie finishes speaking the doorbell rings and Jade widens her eyes.

     "He's here! I'm not ready!"

     "I'll stall him, just hurry up." Perrie says before going downstairs. She walks to the door and pulls it open, seeing Sam in jeans and a dress-shirt. She smiles as she realizes that Jade's outfit is perfect based on his clothes. "Hi Sam."

     "Hey Perrie, you look lovely." He comments.

     "Thanks, I'm going out to see Zayn." She smiles. "Jade's still getting ready but she'll be down soon. Might've been done already if you had given a little hint." She chuckles.

     "What? I told Jade I was taking her out to dinner." He says.

     "Oh. Well that would've been a nice reminder. You should see her bedroom."

     Sam laughs and sighs as he pictures it. "Yeah, I probably should've mentioned it again."

     After a few minutes, Jade comes downstairs nervously. She lightly smiles when she sees Sam. "Hi."

     "Hey, you look amazing." Sam smiles, taking her hand and bringing it to his lips.

     "Yeah? I just threw this on." She lies.

I Have A Secret (A Jade Thirlwall/Sam Craske Story)Where stories live. Discover now