Old Friends

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Old Friends

     Jade, Jesy, and Perrie were looking through clothes at the mall, thinking of looks they could wear for the Wings video. They had requested to pick their own outfits, wanting the video to be more personalized and in their own choices.

     While Jade was choosing between purple or green shorts, Perrie was torn between wearing a dress or not. Jesy had already chosen a few outfits and was trying them on in the dressing room.

     "Jade, I can't decide." Perrie frowns, walking around to the other side of the rack to show Jade her choices. "Should I wear this or not? None of you girls are wearing dresses, and I don't want to be the odd one out."

     "It doesn't matter what we're wearing." Jade states. "The whole point of picking our clothes instead of a stylist is so we can choose what we want to wear."

     "I know." She sighs, going back to look at the other options.

     Jesy came out of the room with her own clothes on, and other clothes in her hand. "Well, I think I'm done." She grins.

     "Perfect, then you can help me!" Perrie says, running over to her and pulling Jesy. "Come on Jesminda."

     "Pez, why is this so hard for you?" Jade asks. "You're almost always the first one done shopping?"

     "But this is for a music video!" She exclaims. "Millions, if we get that many, will see it! And it will be online forever! I don't want any regrets."

     Jesy gasps. "She's right! Maybe I should-"

     "No!" Jade shouts. "Jess, what you have is great. Perrie's just nervous."

     Perrie frowns and sighs, worried about the choosing. "I just don't want to be teased by fans or critics if they don't like it."

     Jesy laughs and rubs Perrie's arm. "Listen to the lyrics babe; 'Don't let what they say keep you at night.'"

     "She's right, Perrie." Jade says. "Just wear what you like and what makes you happy."

     Perrie lightly smiles and nods. "Alright."

     Soon a girl comes running into the store and wraps her arms around Jesy's shoulders. "Guess who I just got off the phone with!" Leigh-Anne shouts.

     "Sairah?" Jesy asks.

     "No." She says. Before Jade can guess, Leigh-Anne cuts her off with the answer. "Tulisa!" She cheers. "She wants us to throw a little party for us since our one year is coming up soon!"

     "Yes!" Jade grins. "When?! We're busy on our one year though, so it can't be then."

     "She said whenever we've got time off. I don't think we're doing anything the day before, are we?"

     "No." The three say.

     "Perfect! I'll just ring her again and tell her." Leigh-Anne says happily as she pulls her phone out.

     Perrie soon gasps loudly and squeals, making them look at her. "I found what I want to wear!" She exclaims, grabbing a pink button up shirt and the black cardigan she chose earlier. "Now I just need some bottoms."

     "Don't forget we need a second outfit as well." Jesy says.



     The boys of Diversity were backstage of Got To Dance in their rehearsal room as they practiced for the dance they would do in a few weeks. When Ashley found himself not liking one of the moves he created, he decided to change it to something else. As he did that, the boys were sitting on the couch or messing around.

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