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    The girls of Little Mix were sitting around in a room backstage after rehearsing for the X-Factor Live Tour coming up in a few weeks. They had just finished singing their set and decided to spend some more time working on their new song.

    Jade and Jesy were working out their solos while Leigh-Anne and Perrie were focusing on the main chorus.

    Leigh-Anne was starting to get bored and closed her notebook with possible lines. "I don't know about you three, but all this thinking and writing is making me hungry."

    "Me too." Jade says, closing her book as well and sitting up straight on the couch, removing her legs from Perrie's lap.

    "I've still got a few verses in mind so I'm going to stay in here, could you bring me something back?" Perrie asks, looking over at the two with a pouting face.

    "Well there's no way we could say no to that face now can we?" Jade coos, pinching her cheeks.

    Leigh-Anne laughs and stands up, taking Jade's hand and helping her to her feet. "You coming Jesminda?"

    "Nah, I'll stay with Perrie." Jesy answers.

    "Okay, well we'll be back with food soon. Let's go Jadey." Leigh-Anne says, grabbing her coat and purse and following the purple-haired girl outside.

    "How much have you gotten done for your solos?" Jade asks as they walk towards the food area.

    "A lot. I'm piecing them together, and then when we get to the studio tomorrow I'll run it by the writers to see what they think of it."

    Jade smiles and turns around, walking in front of Leigh-Anne backwards. "I'm so excited for our album! Do you think the mixers will like it?" She asks, feeling nervous about how it will do.

    "They'll love it. Our album is going to be different, like us."

    Jade grins and jumps up and down excitedly. "I can't wait to have it finished."

    "I know!" She squeals.

    As Jade turns around to walk forwards, she bumps into someone and falls back against Leigh-Anne. She looks up and sees the tall band member of The Risk. "Sorry Derry." She apologizes, regaining her balance.

    "It's alright love. What are you two squealing about?" He asks, glancing back and forth between the two.

    "Our album." Leigh-Anne grins. "The songs and how it'll do when it's released."

    "You girls won, I'm sure your album will be fantastic. Just be glad you're actually making one." He assures.

    "Aw, I'm sure you four will be signed." Jade frowns. "It shocked everyone when you were eliminated, you were way too good to let go. Surely Simon or someone will see that."

    "We're hoping." He says. "So, where are you two off to?"

    "Just getting something to eat. Do you want to come with us?"

    "I would, but the boys and I have got final rehearsals. Next time." He winks. "Bye ladies."

    "Bye Derry." They say as he walks away, the two of them continuing their quest for the large room.

    "I think someone fancies you." Leigh-Anne sings.

    "What? Derry?" She questions, letting out a small laugh. "No."

    "Oh please, that boy couldn't keep his eyes off you. Only glanced at me to say hello, and even then it was a sideways glance."

    "Even if he did fancy me, I'm with Sam. And I'm extremely happy with him." She grins.

    "Just make sure Derry knows that, I'm sure he'll make a move soon. You know how he is with girls he finds attractive." Leigh-Anne warns.

    "Leigh, we're all friends. And I highly doubt that Derry finds me attractive." She says, letting her insecurity show.

    "Jade, you're gorgeous, I bet every guy on this planet finds you attractive. Especially Sam." Leigh-Anne smiles, wrapping her arm around Jade's waist as they near the food area.

    As Jade opens her mouth to speak, her phone rings and she pulls it out, smiling at it once she sees who it is. "Speak of the devil." She taps the smiley face in a chat bubble and looks down at the message. "Diversity are going back to Essex so Sam wants to meet up for dinner tomorrow." She smiles, typing her approving response.

    "That makes seven now. You two seem to be getting pretty serious." Leigh-Anne grins, nudging her arm.

    "No. We're just like mates. We don't do romantic things, we just go out and do something fun. We're not serious. It's too early to be serious."

    "Well you've got dinner tomorrow, did he tell you where?"

    "No. And I don't want it to be romantic just yet. We're still getting to know each other. Anything romantic now would just be awkward."


    Half of Diversity were sitting around the living room doing random things and talking. When Mitchell reminded Sam that he had to make a date with Jade is when the laughing died down. Well, from Sam.

    "Do I really have to take her out tomorrow?" Sam groans, leaning back against the seat in their flat.

    "Yes. You can't just leave without doing something." Jordan says, opening a bag of crisps.

    "We're going back home for a few weeks, so you can have a break from her." Terry says.

    "Finally." Sam sighs, running his hand through his hair.

    "Don't you like her even the slightest bit?" Mitchell asks, wondering when and if his brother will change his mind about the singer.

    Sam shrugs. "She's not as annoying, but I'd much rather the bet have been Amelia." He smirks.

    Terry groans. "Really? You had to bring her up?"

    Jordan chuckles. "We should've done a bet with Terry as well."

    Terry glares at him and frowns. "Alright, I'm on team Sam! I don't even want to imagine!" He exclaims, moving over to sit next to the younger boy.

    "Don't forget that I like Amelia." Sam states. "Are you still on my side?"

    He rolls his eyes. "What I meant was, if I had to date her I would know how you feel. Then I'd feel sorry for you and understand why you want out."

    "You don't feel sorry for me now?!"

    "No, it's amusing."

    Mitchell chuckles and pats his brothers knee. "Well Sammy, each day that passes is another day closer to ending it."

    "That sounded like a really girly thing to say." Jordan smirks.

    "Oh shut up."

    Sam shakes his head and pulls his phone out, seeing another text from his 'girlfriend.' He glances down at the picture, and somehow it seemed to brighten. He looks up and over at the others. "How long has it been since we started?"

    "Started what?" Jordan asks.

    "The bet."

    "Almost two months now?"

    Sam nods and looks back down at the oddly brightened picture. He clicks on the message and reads it over, wondering how the picture changed.


Sorry it's late! I didn't realize it was Sunday, and when I went to upload it, my file for the chapter was gone and I had to rewrite it.

Well, this chapter gives you a better inside look on Jade and Little Mix, and letting you know how she feels about Sam.

~Question Of The Chapter~

What boyband is Derry from?

I Have A Secret (A Jade Thirlwall/Sam Craske Story)Where stories live. Discover now