The Better Dancer

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The Better Dancer

     The girls ended the chorus of a new song and once the music in their ears faded out, they pulled their headphones off and jumped up and down cheering.

     "It's done! Our album is finished!" Perrie squeals. "I can't believe I'm actually saying that! Our album is finished!" She repeats. "We have an album!"

     "And it's going to be one of the best-selling albums of all time!" Jesy predicts.

     "Now let's not get ahead of ourselves Jesy." Leigh-Annes says. "Our album is amazing, but not enough to top the best."

     Jade sighs and places her headphones over her microphone. "I'd love to have just a bit of the success that Spice Girls, TLC, or Destiny's Child had. They're incredible."

     "And we're better." Perrie sings. "C'mon, Annecka wants to see us soon."

     They get a demo from a producer and finish in the studio before going out to their van and being driven to their manager's house. They're greeted by open arms and go to her backyard where a table of drinks and sandwiches are laid.

     "So girls, have you gotten everything done?" Annecka asks as she pours them a glass of lemonade.

     "Yes, it's all done." Jade smiles. "We brought you a demo." She says as she pulls the disk out of her bag.

     "I'll give it a listen to tonight and work on finalizing everything." She says, setting the CD next to her. "I've been scheduling a few things for you, and you'll be doing a photoshoot for the first single next week, and you'll be filming the music video for it in just about two weeks." She says, making them smile. "I've booked a few performances that you'll start next month to promote Wings and get people looking forward to the album."

     Perrie squeals and jumps up and down in her set. "Yay, we finally get to do all of that! I've missed being on stage!"

    "Well Perrie, after these next few months, the stage will be your new best friend. Little Mix is going to be bigger than you've ever imagined, everybody is going to want a piece of you. We've already got so many people wanting you on their shows."

     "Ooh, when?!" Jade asks excitedly.

     "Well nobody now, you're going to be extremely busy with the video, photoshoots, and dance rehearsals. Once we get it done and settled, then we can start booking you for TV appearances."

     "I can't wait." Leigh-Anne smiles.

     "You don't have to long, we'll be holding auditions tomorrow for background dancers and you get to choose."

     "Dancers?" Jesy asks, becoming intrigued.

     Annecka laughs and rubs Jesy's arm. "No Jesy, Jordan can't be in the video." She says before turning to face Jade. "And neither can Sam."

     "Why?" They ask sadly.

     "Because they're your boyfriends. You can't have your boyfriend in your video. If you break-up, would you really want to see him your video? It'll just be a reminder." Annecka explains.

     "Fine." Jesy sighs. "But we won't find anybody better than Jordan."

     "Sam." Jade smirks.

     Jesy turns and glares at Jade, making her laugh.

     Perrie chuckles and rolls her eyes at their behavior before turning back to Annecka. "So what exactly are you going to do with the album? You said you were going to finalize it, isn't it already finished?"

     "The recording is finished." Annecka says. "I have to make sure all the songs are in the correct order, then I need to find out how many will need to be printed, and what the picture on the actual disk will look like."


     While Annecka begins asking a few questions, Jade's phone rings. She quickly excuses herself and goes inside to answer it. "Hey Sammy." She smiles.

     "Hello beautiful, the lads and I are coming to London tomorrow so Ashley can do some stuff for Got To Dance, I was thinking you and I could meet up tomorrow and I can take you out for dinner somewhere."

     Jade grins and opens her mouth to say yes, but soon frowns. "Sorry love, as tempting as that sounds, the girls and I are supposed to be doing stuff to prepare for our video."

     "Really? What are you doing?"

     "Auditions for background dancers. Boyfriends aren't allowed." She pouts.

     Sam chuckles in respsonse. "Well that doesn't seem right, you're not going to find anyone better to do the dance justice."

     "That's what Jesy said about Jordan." Jade laughs. "Of course I said you were the best."

     "Hey, my girl speaks the truth. Jordan's got nothing on me." He smirks.

     Jade smiles and decides to go back to the previous topic. "So back to that date you mentioned, would you mind rescheduling it a day late?"

     "Well I'll have to check on something, but it should be fine. I've got a nice little surprise for you."

     "Yeah, care to spoil it?" 

     "Absolutely not." He says, making her frown.

     "I hate surprises." Jade mumbles.

     "Trust me, you'll love this one."

     "We'll see." She says. "Well Sammy, as much as I hate to say goodbye, we're meant to be discussing Little Mix's next projects. Can't keep them waiting."

     "So then why did you answer?" He laughs. "I could've waited Jade."

     "I didn't want to. I'll take any opprutunity to speak to you."

     "Well I'll be there tomorrow, so I'll either see you then or the next day. Get back to the girls, I'll see you soon."

     "Alright, goodbye Sammy."

     "Bye love."

     Jade hangs up smiling before going back outside.

     "Jade, c'mon, we need to decide what the album is going to be called." Jesy says, getting up and pulling Jade back to the table.

     Jade nods and takes Jesy's hand. "Sam agrees that he would be a better fit then Jordan."

     Jesy's jaw drop and she frowns at Jade. "Sam's just cocky. We all know Jord's the best."

     Perrie raises an eyebrow and chuckles. "Psh, my boyfriend is the best."

     All of the girls look at her in disbelief. "Zayn is a horrible dancer!" Leigh-Anne exclaims.

     "I know." Perrie frowns. "I just felt left out with the boyfriend talk."

     "Wouldn't that be Leigh-Anne?" Annecka questions. "No offense love."

     Leigh-Anne shrugs. "That's alright, I'm happy being single. It excuses me from the ridiculous boyfriend defending." She says before looking at Jade and Jesy. "And neither Sam or Jordan are the best."

     "Hey!" They both shout.

Hi! I know this chapter's short, but this one and the next ones are going to be. It's getting close to the big reveal, so these next few ones are going to be fillers.

~Question Of The Chapter~

Who isn't allowed to be in the music video?

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