The Train Station

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The Train Station

     After a dinner full of jokes, laughter, and random facts, it was nearly time for Jade to leave and go back to her own tour that would be starting again the next day. Sam had driven her to the train station and they were standing near the gates, waiting for the train to start boarding.

     Jade glances up at the boy in front of her and softly chuckles. "I can't believe you put hot sauce in Mitchell's soda."

     He laughs and curves the corners of his lips up into a smirk. "He and Pel did that to me last time, now I'm getting back at them."

     "Isn't that gross?"

     "Want to find out." He winks.

     She shakes her head smiling. "No thanks."

     Sam sighs and looks around. "Shouldn't it be ready to go by now?"

     Jade puts on a fake frown and crosses her arms. "Oh you just can't wait to get rid of me can you?"

     "Y-no!" He says quickly, trying to cover up his real answer.

     Jade, however, takes it as joking and laughs. "Just a few more minutes I think?"

     His heart beats quickly as he realizes he almost messed up. "So um, how are you liking your tour?"

     She giggles and squeezes his hand. "You've asked me that about three or four times now Sammy, I love it just as much as I did the last time I gave an answer."


     She rolls her eyes smiling, just then her phone buzzes and Jade pulls it out of her pocket, smiling brightly at the message.

     Sam glances down at the screen curiously and frowns as he sees a male name. "Joe? He's your mate that doesn't like me, right?"

     Jade nods. "Yeah." She says mindlessly, thoughts on the text in the bubble.

     Sam frowns as her attention immediately moves to another guy. A guy that hated Sam, has known Jade for years, and knows Sam isn't interested in her. At the sound of Jade's laughter, Sam tenses and feels the jealousy coming again.

     Jade notices the awkward shift Sam makes and looks up at him worried, widening her eyes as she notices the familiar look on his face. "Sam! Are you jealous again?!"

     He groans and shakes his head. "I can't help it!"

     She laughs loudly and pats his chest. "Aw babe, you have a better chance with him than I do."

     "What?" He asks, looking at her confused.

     "Joe isn't interested in girls, he's gay. This is one guy you definitely don't have to worry about."

     The jealousy is washed over by pure embarrassment. "Oh."

     She chuckles and takes both of his hands in hers. "You don't have to worry about anyone. You're the only guy in my eyes."

     Unknowingly, a small stretches itself on Sam's lips and he grasps her hands softly. Jade smiles and takes this as the moment to finally do what she's wanted for so long. She takes a step closer to him until their chests are pressed together, and she begins leaning in.

     Sam stares down at her shocked, finding himself completely frozen. His eyes flick up to hers, seeing her eyelids now covering them. He looks down at their joined hands and quickly separates them, placing his hands between the two of them as he finds the will to back away. "We um, we should see if the train's ready." He says quickly, backing away to find someone.

I Have A Secret (A Jade Thirlwall/Sam Craske Story)Where stories live. Discover now