South Shields

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South Shields

     "How long are we going to be here again?" Ike asks.

     "Just today." Jordan says. "We're going back to Essex. Ashley wants to start making some new choreography so that we know it for the routines coming up."

     "But we don't have to perform anywhere else for a while?" Sam says confused. "I want a break." He groans.

     Ashley overhears them and chuckles, walking up behind the three. "You guys aren't doing anything. I'm going to be the one working. I just thought you would all like to go home so we can see our family and everyone. And if you get bored you could drop by Dancework, where I'll be most of the time, and get some early practice."

     "So we are getting a break?" Ike asks.

     "Yes. But only for about three weeks, then we need to go back to London."

     "Fine by me." He says, walking ahead of them to Perri and Warren.

     "So, we're just dancing and then we're going home?" Sam asks, hoping they'll forget about the bet.

     Jordan chuckles and pats his shoulder. "I think you know the answer to that."

     "Oh come on! I don't even know where she lives! Is she even in South Shields yet?"

     "I think everyone went home yesterday?"

     "I can't believe they won." He mutters.

     Ashley sighs and leaves the boys, not wanting to hear more about the bet.

     "Just come on, we're starting in a few minutes." Jordan says, giving him a light shove.


     After dancing, Sam had quickly run away from the store and from the boys. He knew that somehow they would know where Jade was and drag him towards her, but he didn't want to see her.

     He was walking around for about fifteen minutes before he realized he didn't know where he was. He hadn't been to South Shields before and didn't know the area. He turned around and looked for something that looked familiar, but didn't recognize either of the three streets behind him.

     He pulled his phone out and texted Ashley, telling him to come find him. As he waited for a reply, he heard a familiar laugh and glanced up, seeing Jade on some guys back while a girl is next to them with skates.

     "Be careful Holl!" Jade laughs.

     "Like you could do any better!" The blonde shouts. She looses her balance and starts rolling forward shrieking for help.

     Sam grabs her arms as she nears him and holds her up. "You alright?" He asks.

     She nods. "Yeah, thanks." She smiles.

     "Sam?" Jade questions. She hops off the boys back and nears him. "Are you following me?"

     He quickly shakes his head. "No! No um, we were dancing."

     "We?" She asks, looking around him.

     "They're all still at ASDA I think."

     She raises an eyebrow.

     "Honestly. I'm not following you."

     "So then why are you in front of my house? Shouldn't you be at ASDA as well?"

     "Well yeah, but I wanted to get away from the lads. I got lost. Ashley's coming to find me."

     She chuckles. "Sam, ASDA's not that far from here."

I Have A Secret (A Jade Thirlwall/Sam Craske Story)Where stories live. Discover now