Meet Our Hero

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Johnny Scurlock, five ten inches tall, hazel nut brown eyes, wavy hair, kissable lips. He's a brother to the famous Hollywood's A lister Josh Scurlock.

These two brothers both possess handsome features, but Josh...Johnny's little brother is more like a happy go lucky kind of guy. While Johnny... he's got soft features.

Johnny is more mysterious than Josh, he normally wears eye glasses but his younger brother teases him that he can revive the role of Clark Kent. Since then Johnny decides not to wear glasses when his brother is around.

Johnny can be a famous actor like his brother if he wanted too. But Johnny loves his privacy so much, so, instead of making a fortune on playing a character or a role in a movie he chose to produce it.

And Johnny became really lucky with that. Most of his produced films gain success, and he admits that his brother Josh and his brother's best friend/girlfriend Ana Vender had a big part of his success.

And needless to say these two are his favorite actors, because he collaborated with them for so many times. And there's Kyle also. He always wanted these three to work on his films as much as possible.

Johnny enjoys the glittering lights of Hollywood and the wealth behind the camera and he can keep his private life private at the same time. Good times.

He dated a few, Johnny believed that true love exists; most people in Hollywood forget that. But he didn't, that's why he avoids himself to date glamorous women of Hollywood.

It's not that he hates woman with glamour, he love that actually. In fact, his fiancée...well, ex-fiancée Daneel, works in an advertising company. But to date someone who is owned by the public, not his cup of tea. There would be not much of privacy if he dates an actress.

His last relationship lasted for three years. He was so serious with Daneel that he asks her hand for marriage. But Daneel change her mind last minute before she can say the big word "I DO".

Her reason"it just came to me...and I don't think that I am ready!"

Johnny was devastated, but his life must go on. His plate is full with projects at hand and there is really no time for hatred, self loathing, self destruction and bitterness.

Besides, Johnny is very much aware of the saying "Things doesn't always turn out the way we planned." Kind of a cliché but it's true.

Maybe he and Daneel weren't meant to be together, they're not meant for each other. And Johnny believes there is a woman for him.

She's just right there!


And he's going to come and go find her!


Like I said, I deliver this piece in a different way, more of a description not so much dialogue.

But there will be lots of dialogues soon, hope you will like this chapter.

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Love you all.


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