What Now?

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When Ana open her eyes she saw Josh sleeping on the single chair, she smiled as she watch Josh from his sleep. Josh is really a good friend and he's always there for her. Ana felt she's thirsty she move to sit on the bed then gathered her eyes around to look for some water. There's a fridge on the left side of the room, she smiled but her smile vanished when she realize the IV fluid inserted in her right hand. Ana looks at Josh to ask for help but then she changed her mind, she can do it. She slowly gets out of her bed and took her IV then walk towards the fridge. There's some bottled water inside and she took one and drink it. When suddenly felt a relief with cold water she went back to her bed with the bottled water on her. Josh opens his eyes when he felt Ana's movement.

"Hey, are you okay?" Josh asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine I'm just thirsty." Ana smiled at Josh then motion the bottled water at him.

"Are you hungry?" Josh asks.

"No, I'm fine." Ana smiled at Josh again.

Josh studied Ana's face as he wonders how he would start a conversation.

"So, you're married huh?" Ana said abruptly.

"Yes I am." Josh smiled sweetly "I followed your advice, I look for her and I found her and I marry her."

"Glad you are happy." Ana said.

"Thanks to you." Josh replied.

Then silence, Ana didn't know what else to say. She's happy that her best friend is now happy but there's something inside her that felt lonely with the idea that Josh is married now. What advice is Josh talking about? she doesn't remember she gave any advice to Josh all she remember was she and Josh have something going on but how come Josh is married with someone else.

"You are happy to you know." Josh interrupts her mind wondering "You've been happy with my brother."

Ana furrowed her eyebrows; she doesn't remember anything about Johnny. What is it that Josh is talking about that she's been happy with his older brother?

"Don't you really remember anything?" Josh knew that question is stupid because the doctor confirms it already but he needs to be sure and he feels sorry for his best friend.

"I'm so sorry but I don't remember anything." Ana said softly, she stare at Josh with fear. The way she sees Josh reaction there is something wrong with her and she can feel that she's lost. There is something missing with her being.

"What was the last thing you remembered?" Josh asked.

"That we both won the best actor award in our movie always on my mind." Ana said.

Josh opened his eyes wide because he's really surprised with Ana's last memory. "That was a long time ago!" Josh said "That's..." Josh didn't know how to react more, the movie Ana mentioned was their first film together and it was more than a decade ago. That's how they become friends, well... at first they thought there is something romantic building on between them. They're so fond at each other that they don't spend time apart when they don't have to work. They enjoyed each other company so much that they thought they want something besides friendship.

After the Academy award where they both won best actor and best actress, they went straight at his place and celebrate; they open a bottle of champagne. When they drank half a bottle they were out of control already. They both went silly that they end up kissing at each other, then after the kiss they both laugh because there was no spark. That was the night they both decided that their relationship will be purely platonic. They will be best of friends, nothing more, nothing less.

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