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Johnny sat on the porch while he waits for his car. He drawn himself into deep thinking and tried to remember what really happened. He remember he went to his trailer after he gave his best man speech then he got bored being alone in his trailer so he decided to go back at the party, then he saw Ana at the bar and he strike a conversation. But he can't remember his conversation with Ana.

He is really happy for his brother; there is no doubt about that. But the scenery of his brother's wedding somehow hit some of his nerve. He thought of Daneel, next thing he knew he was on his trailer; spend his moment alone with a bottle of Jack Daniels, got bored went back to the party again.

Then he woke up in a bed, not his bed but to his dismay Ana Vender's bed. That was outrageous! Is there a shortage of women that he touched his brother's ex girlfriend? Or is he that desperate? But one thing that Johnny can't understand is the blood stained on Ana's bed.

His brother is definitely not a saint! He and Ana had been together for God knows how long and it's impossible that they didn't sleep together. There was so many times he catches Ana on his brother's place on the early morning. He has a habit of dropping by at his brother's house after he jogged and Josh does the same thing at Ana's place, he slept there constantly.

So, what is really going on? And what really happened last night? Assumed that he did slept with Ana, Johnny felt his head wanted to explode with that thought. But he continues to wonder, did he and Ana had another drink last night? A red wine perhaps, maybe, neither of them spilled the liquid over and left the sheet stained.

Johnny tilt his head as he was convinced with that thought, but then he realized, 'that is definitely not a red wine' plus there are no glasses of wine or even a bottle of red wine anywhere. If they had a drink Ana would probably have left it where ever, before they do whatever "it" that they did. Johnny shook his head with the "It" thought. Maybe she cleaned up.

And as he continue to push himself to remember what happened he realized that it's not normal to clean up after you slept with someone, there is no way Ana would have clean up the glasses and the bottle of red wine.

'Maybe it's a spaghetti sauce or ketchup' Johnny continues to give excuse for the blood stained on the bed. Johnny releases a sour look, they came from a wedding, and foods are everywhere, there is no way they are hungry.

Maybe Ana gets hungry after they did "it" he's like that sometimes, get hungry after he...

Johnny stops from thinking when he heard a car coming. It was his car "finally" Johnny said. He stood up as the car park in front of him. Ana's driver gave him his keys. He didn't know the driver's name, he smiled uncomfortably.

This driver is six inches tops, he's build is like a wrestler. Johnny thought this man is not only Ana's driver but also a bodyguard. And it's not like a driver slash bodyguard can pry to his employer's personal life but gathering from the way this guy looks at him it's like he's going to eat him alive.

"Thanks" Johnny motions his key to the guy then slowly he walks backwards to the driver's seat. The big guy stayed looking at him firmly with his arms crossed over his chest. 'This is really awkward' Johnny whispered silently but his lips are moving as he whispered the words.

"You were saying something Mister?" The guy asked.

"No" Johnny chuckles uncomfortably, the guy gave him the look, Johnny was alarmed, and he smiled and said: "Can I drop you anywhere?"

"I'm good" Replied by the big guy then he walks away from Johnny.

Johnny whistle as he followed Ana's driver. He took his car and drive away. He drop by at his place to change, he's still wearing the tux he used last night and he needs his shower. His head is killing him.

After he gets himself ready, he drove his car to the set. He's really late, a producer should be the first person on the set not the last one. 'That woman' Johnny cursed Ana.

When he reached their location Johnny pulled over. Kyle met him halfway the set. "Where have you been?" He said at him. Kyle is pretty worried.

"Is there a problem?" Johnny asks.

"No, I was just worried you might not show up today, we can't do this without you." Kyle replied.

"We have our crews here, you have my assistant, whether I go to work or not the production will be fine." Johnny said with confidence.

"Yeah I know that, but I'm not worried about that, you were so drunk last night, I actually asked Ana if you are okay..."

Johnny interrupts Kyle "You asked Ana?"

"Yeah, you two left together last night." Kyle said.

"And..." Johnny is curious.

"I ask her where you are." Kyle answered.

"And..." Johnny kept his curiosity arouse.

"She said your coming."


"Nothing" Kyle said "You're on your way and that's it. Is there anything else she should tell me or you?" now Kyle is curious.

Johnny studied Kyle's face, there's no notion that he knew something or that he's into something or his question that he and Ana has got more to say somehow teases him.

"No nothing else." Johnny answered abruptly.

"Did you have a good sleep last night?" Kyle asked.

"Stop" Johnny said "its sounds creepy when you asked me that?"

"What? I'm just asking I'm worried man" Kyle laughs softly.

"Yeah and it gets creepier that you are worried." Johnny said.

Kyle laughs, Johnny look for his brother "Where is Josh?" he asks Kyle.

Kyle points at Josh, he's sitting on his chair besides Ana. Johnny has a habit of talking to his brother first when they are working together before he goes with his chores, but his brother is with Ana.

Johnny didn't know how to approach them, he's anxious that maybe Ana told Josh about them but he's having second thoughts, maybe Ana didn't talk anything with Josh. His brother was Ana's ex boyfriend and it's weird that she hooked up with her ex brother.

But still Johnny is uncomfortable, whether Ana told Josh or not, he still doesn't know how to approach his brother now that he's sitting beside Ana. And he knows his brother too well, if he didn't go check on him before he starts working it would raise question.

In the end Johnny decides not to see his brother and go straight to work, he checks on the crew. He makes sure that everything falls into right place. When he turns his look at his brother Josh throw him a smile, he's teasing him.

Johnny ignored his younger brother and concentrate on his job.


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