Confused Johnny

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Okay, I was thrilled with the flooding comments so here is another update guys. This is my way of showing my gratitude to your endless support. @waitingforacowboy, @24sonata, @meilimcastillo, @barbiejong, @arzetemis_haerodus @the_unborn_nightmare and sooner than later (I know you will be here) @elydiareyes, @tinkerhook & @logisticians thanks to you guys also, in advance...hahaha. And yeah, how can I forget @k8_shella & @jomarshmallow thanks. If I forgot to mention anyone, I'm so sorry.

Moving on with the story.


"Aren't you gonna give me a cup?"

It's Ana; he didn't realize she's there already, standing beside him. Ana get one cup from the cupboard and motions it to Johnny. No reaction from him, he just stares at her cup.

Ana wiggles the cup telling Johnny to pour some coffee for her. Johnny complies, he poured her cup avoiding her eyes...He was silent. Ana is staring at him, observing Johnny, she tried to figure what's on his mind and she had nothing.

When Johnny put the coffeemaker back Ana sips from her cup. Johnny is still silent; Ana waits for Johnny to say something but nada!

"Okay, spill it out!" Ana put down her cup then crossed her arms over her chest and gave Johnny a full eye.

"What" Johnny delivered an innocent look, he acts like he has no idea what Ana is trying to say.

"Nothing" Ana drew breath; she walks towards the main door after she grabbed her purse. She already opened the door when she realizes that Johnny is not following her. She stopped and scream "Are you coming or not?"

Johnny hurries to drink his coffee and ran to the door while he says "Okay, okay!"

When they reached the outside, Johnny looked around, "Where is my car?" he asks Ana.

"You don't have a car!" Ana replied while she push the unlock button of her car keys, she opened the passenger's seat then she looked at Johnny, she motions her eyes on the passenger seat telling Johnny to get in the car.

Instead of moving Johnny uttered "I don't have a car?" there is a confused look on his face. He has a car, he own cars actually, and the question is why he doesn't have his car on the driveway? And his question to Ana is pretty clear 'where is my car?'

"Alright," Ana get what is going on with his mind "You have a car, but it's not here. We left it on the set last night, you're too drunk to drive and I was supposed to bring you to your place but I doubt if we can go inside your house because I don't see any house keys. So I decided to bring you here instead, I called my driver and told him to get your car and he will deliver it on our location." Ana explain at Johnny without a paused.

Johnny still left confused, Ana took a deep breath and then asks "Any more questions?"

"No...I mean...nothing" Johnny stammers a bit.

"Will you get in the car, please!" Ana glared at Johnny then she walks towards the driver's seat.

"Wait..are we gonna..." Johnny paused, confusion kept on stirring at his mind.

"Are we gonna what?" Ana is losing her patience, she stop herself from taking the driver's seat and look at Johnny firmly.

"We're not going to work together right?" Johnny is not sure with the idea. "I mean..You and your and i...are going to work together, the two of us?" Johnny releases a very uncomfortable smile.

"You don't have a car Johnny." Ana open her eyes a bit wider "How are you supposed to get to work?"

"Call your driver and tell him to bring my car over here." Johnny answered quickly.

"Alright" Ana give up, she took her cell from her purse and gets a hold of her driver after her conversation on the phone Ana occupied the driver seat and start the engine. Johnny left unspoken. "Will you shut the door please" Ana brought her head outside her car and ask Johnny to close the passenger's door. Johnny instantly pushed it.

"Wait!" Johnny peered through the window.

Ana opens the passenger's window and said "What" with annoyance.

"Are you just gonna leave me here?" Johnny asked.

Ana pulled her key from the ignition and move out. "I thought you said you want your car here?" Ana is starting to be pissed.

"Yeah...and?" Johnny answered.

"And what?" Ana furrowed her eyebrows.

"Am I speaking a different language here?" Johnny is losing his temper also "Is English is not the word I'm using?" he adds.

Ana moves her head and shoulders at the same time sending Johnny another "WHAT" message.

Johnny draw a deep breath "Is my car gonna be here?" He asks with a bit of annoyance on his tone.

"Yes, your car will be here!" Ana again opened her eyes widely as she speaks; Johnny furrowed his eyebrows and gives Ana a hard eye. "What?" Ana asks, her pitch went a little high.

Johnny turns his head elsewhere as he kept his composure, this woman drives him crazy.

"Your car is on its way." Ana mellow her tone a bit "You won't wait any longer because my driver will be here anytime." She motions her hand upward a little and lifts her eyebrows telling Johnny to relax.

"Okay thanks" Johnny replied "I'll just wait here then" He said seriously.

"Good" Ana moves to get inside her car but before she can sit she moved back outside and asks Johnny "Can I go now?"

"Suit yourself!" Johnny waved his hand at her; Ana glared at him before she occupied the driver seat, she start the ignition then drove her car away.

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