Remembering (part 3)

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Josh, Ely and Levy stayed with Johnny's family till dinner. The whole day passes by and everything went well till after dinner and when Josh said they need to leave Ana can't help but be anxious with her uneasy feeling. Time flies okay when she knows that Josh is around. She found comfort with Josh being around even if he's with his wife Ely and his kid Levy. But without Josh and the thought or the fact that she will be with Johnny alone makes her feel really uncomfortable.

"Do you want Josh to stay with you?" Ely asks Ana with sincere concern from Ely regarding Ana's welfare.

"No!" Ana tried to smile and let Ely feel she will be okay, she's touched with Ely's concern and understanding while Josh has been with her the whole time. It's unfair for Ely and their kid Levy.

"You know it's really okay if you're not comfortable without Josh." Ely insists "He can stay."

"No, I'm good." Ana said then she drew a deep breath, Josh can't stay with her forever or even if until she have her selective amnesia and her best friend Josh definitely can't live with them. He's married already and so does she, it's different now, unlike before they're both single. Before they can be with each other anytime but things are now far different from before and sooner than later Ana needs to face that fact and live with that reality.

This is her home and this is her life, her life with Johnny and their twins not her life with Josh. "I will be okay, go ahead." Ana push Josh and Ely "I've been with Josh for days and your hubby is a pain in the neck and I can't afford to be with him anymore." Ana jokes at Ely "Five more minutes with your husband and I will lose my sanity." Ana delivered a smile.

"That's not true." Josh disagree "You like my company." He adds.

"Not when I want to rest and when I want some peace and I definitely don't want you around when I'm going to bed." Ana said with a wide smile on her face "Go!" Ana pushed Josh then she hugged Ely and whispered 'thank you' in her ear then she turn to Levy and kiss her good night. Johnny walk with Josh and his family to their car while Ana left to stay at the door.

"Are you sure you will be okay?" Josh asked his brother.

"Ask my wife?" Johnny scoffs.

"Hey, man! I'm not kidding this is your first night together after the accident and let's face it you and Ana can get any weirder." Josh is serious.

"What's more weird with my wife have no recollection of me." Johnny shakes his head slightly.

"Exactly my point" Josh shows some concern for his older brother "Just call me if you need anything, alright?"

"You mean call you when my wife starts to panic because we are going to sleep in the same room and eventually sleep on the same bed." Johnny can't hide his bitterness although his brother made him understand and realize the situation and he promise to be patient.

"Hey, it's your fault!" Ely butts in "There's consequence in every action you made and this is your consequence. Maybe it's better if you spend the evening in the guest room. I don't think sleeping in the same room and in the same bed with your wife who has no any recollection of you is a good idea." Ely preached.

"Now that's the woman I married and the woman I'm going to spend the rest of my life with." Josh is really proud of his Ely.

"Mom! Dad! Can we go home now, I'm sleepy." Levy put her head outside her window.

Johnny laughs while he run his fingers through her niece's hair "Uncle Johnny no!" Levy refused with the gestures "I'm not a little girl anymore"

"What do you mean you're not a kid anymore?" Johnny teases his niece "You're only nine years old."

"I'm almost ten and my friends said I look older." Levy answered.

"Oh you think looking older than your age is a good thing?" Josh is really amused, her daughter wanted to grow up so fast and he hates that idea. Levy is only ten years old, almost! And suitors are running around her.

"Dad, please" Levy stopped her father "Mom, please tell Dad and Uncle Johnny that I'm not a kid anymore I'm a girl and soon I'm going to be woman."

"Even if you turn yourself into a woman sweetheart you will always be our baby and you will always be your Dad's little Levy." Ely explained.

"And Uncle Johnny and Tita Ana will always treat you as our eldest baby, so forget being a woman." Johnny pretends he's scolding Levy.

Levy pouts.

"You are in deeper trouble than me little brother." Johnny turned to Josh and teases his brother.

"Yeah right!" Josh scoffs "Wait for Melody to be at my little Levy's age and don't forget there's Lyrics, let's see whose going to be in deepest trouble then. Let's just hope and pray that your wife regain her memory already when that time comes." Josh returns back the tease to his brother.

Johnny felt sad with that thought, he looks at the door and Ana is no longer there. He turn his look at his brother and said "You could joke with our kids age but don't ever joke on my wife's condition ever again." Johnny scolds his brother like when they were still little.

"Hey, I was just trying to make your mood lighter." Josh said.

"Just don't do say that again and don't joke something like that ever again" Johnny furrowed his eye brows.

"I'm just saying let's hope." Josh continues to tease his brother.

"Hey, she's your older sister, show some respect will you." Johnny continue to scold Josh.

"Can we just go and stop pulling each other leg." Ely butts in "You two needs to grow up really, I can't believe me and Ana marry kids." Ely acts like she regrets that decision.

"Yeah right?" Josh scoffs then Johnny collaborates with his brother "As if you and Ana didn't bewitch us brothers so we will marry you."

Ely laughs then she went inside the car, Josh occupy the driver's seat then start the car then they all wave at Johnny when he drove off.

Johnny walks towards the house with doubts on whether he will come inside or he will stay outside. Josh is right this is not easy and Ely is also right it's not ideal to sleep with a wife who happened to have no recollection of you. Johnny shook his head as he went inside the house.

"I'm gonna kill those two for being right." Johnny scolds his little brother and his little sister in law as he locks the main door.


Levy's age was mentioned and she can't wait to be a woman. That's book IV of Pentagon Series my friends. It's coming out soon!

Betcha By Golly Wow! (Pentagon Series Book IV)...see you there when it's out.

But before that, If you haven't read Book I & Book II (which is still available at my profile) please do check that out.

The Wonder of you (Pentagon Series book I)

Million Miles away (Pentagon Series book II)


Show Me The Way To Your Heart (Pentagon Series Book III)Where stories live. Discover now