Johnny's Romantic Retardation!!!

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Johnny regret what happened between him and Ana last night. He never regretted he's with Ana and he made love again with one of the most beautiful woman in the world but he did regret what he had to do this morning.

It wasn't his plan to go to Ana's place last night, His plan was to stay at home and get some rest, watch a movie or catch up with his reading. But after he took that shower and while he surfs with the channels on his television the movie "hook-up" was on HBO.

He stopped surfing channels with the remote, he froze while Ana's face is on the screen. Her smile, her voice, the way Ana moves and talks. The way she look at Tom Cruise, Johnny felt jealous, silly because that movie was a long time ago but he felt he wanted those kind of look be given by Ana only at him.

He turns the TV off, and then he went outside his bed room and went straight to his bar. Three shots of Jack Daniels and the next thing he knew he change his pajamas to a decent one and drove his car to Ana's.

His plan was to talk to Ana, maybe the reason why Ana's thought kept on bugging him was because there's no closure. He will settle the score once and for all, but his plan was changed when Ana opened the door. She was so beautiful, her hair was a bit wet, and the robe she used to cover whatever she's wearing inside that robe.

Johnny taught of the lingerie, then the sudden urge, instant lust all over his body. And when Ana took that glass of water as he watched her walks away to the kitchen Johnny tried to calm his self. His passion and longing for Ana. But she came back and flashed that innocent look as she asks him what is he doing as he took his boots off, that sweet innocent look from her face.

And when he took the glass of water from her, when Ana opened his mouth a bit, Johnny tried to compose his self, but he failed. All he ever wanted was to press his lips against her and wrapped his arms around her. Ana had that sweet innocent look and Johnny felt she needs him. Ana needs comforting and love, affection and some protection from the world she's living.

Johnny is familiar with every reaction Ana plastered on her face, but when they are together there is something different about Ana. He knows this woman for years now but Ana never seized to amuse him. That sweet innocent look flashed all over her face when they're alone, when there is no one besides the two of them, when there is no camera rolling or no camera flashes from the press and paparazzi.

Ana needs some protection and comforting, she's not that strong and Ana needs him. And that beautiful face, the face like a goddess, Johnny can't help himself not to own her. He tried to control his feelings not to imprison her in his arms and pinned her on the bed or "couch" but he can't help it.

Then when he wakes up this morning, when he saw Ana's face, her eyes closed while her arm is wrapped around him, Johnny can't help the urge to caress her cheek. And Johnny realized he's falling for Ana Vender.

And in an instant Johnny felt it's not right. He can't fall for Ana; he can't fall for someone who is owned by the public. There would be no privacy, everything will be written and publicized. His Life with Ana Vender will be published and it would be like a soap opera.

And then Johnny decides he needs to leave, he needs to leave her again and this time without a word. He needs to sneak and go before Ana wakes up. Because he doesn't know what he would say if Ana wakes up and he's still there. He doesn't know how to tell Ana he can't be with her because she's famous. It will hurt Ana, she might not understand. And he might hurt her feelings; it's pretty obvious Ana have feelings for him. Ana surrendered everything for him, her purity and she didn't asks for anything in return and last night he came back and Ana once again give in. if it's not love Johnny didn't know what else to think anymore. She's pure and there is no way Ana needs a sperm donor. She loves him and Johnny can't hurt Ana, she will be hurt if he left but it would be for the best. Ana is smart, she would hate him but that would be much better rather than to tell her he can't be with her because she's famous.

Johnny was so decided and firm with his decision, but as he drove his car to his place the thought of Ana can't erase from his mind. He wanted to come back, come back and tell Ana everything will be fine but he stops himself from doing that. He needs to take his distance; it would be for the best.

And he needs to start thinking all the bad things and all the ugly things about Ana so he can stop thinking about her. He needs to stop accepting that Ana Vender is a wonderful person; he needs to convinced himself and find something, anything that could turn him off.

And it would be really easy, one, for example...Ana is famous and that is a turn off, all he needs to do is find more... something else that would make him be turn off from Ana. And that's exactly what he's going to do. Starting today he will ignore all the beautiful aspects of Ana and look for her liabilities and turn off points.

And sooner than later, he will forget about her, he will forget whatever he is feeling right now towards Ana. Johnny plastered a smile of triumph as he park his car on his drive way.

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