Happily Ever After

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Five years later...

Ana is now Mrs. Ana Vender Scurlock, she didn't change her last name though, when they give her credits to her films or introduced her in a talk show or anything people still addresses her Ana Vender. When asked by a reporter on one of her interviews why she hasn't changed her last name to Scurlock, Ana's replied was "It would be confusing, when I get divorced I will go back to Ana Vender again, so why bother?" but she was just joking, there is no way she and Johnny will have that typical problem in Hollywood. Ana believe in the sanctity of marriage and regardless of what there would be no divorce.

They married at Vatican City, but a Pastor initiate their wedding not a priest. Ana attends Christian church, she's not the religious type but her faith is what is written in the Bible and Johnny didn't argue with that, sometimes Johnny goes with her when she's free and attends Bible study or cell group also Sunday services.

Two years after they're married Ana gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl. They named their son 'lyrics' and their daughter 'melody'. Ana Vender and Johnny Scurlock hailed as the perfect couple alive in Hollywood. Tabloids and magazine continue to write reports about them even when they do groceries or walk the dog in the park but Johnny didn't mind that anymore.

He's kind of used with paparazzi's invading their privacy, flashed of cameras when he and Ana had dinner or sometimes paparazzo's hiding on bushes near around their home. Ana thought her to be cool with that and Johnny didn't care, he's happy with his famous wife and their lovely twins.

As with the business on Hollywood, they continue to produce films; Ana continue to work as an actress, she still directs and produce movie where she wrote the screenplay. Once a year they made films with Kyle and Josh, Johnny will produced it, Josh and Ana will be the actors, Ely will write the screenplay and Kyle will be director. It became a family business; Liza will have the exclusive interview and footage while they're making the film and when it will be release Liza will have the first exclusive interview..

And they had no plans on slowing down, there is a saying 'strike while the iron is hot' Johnny and Ana will continue their life in the glittering lights of Hollywood and nobody can stop them.

Having a smooth sailing relationship or married life is pretty impossible in Hollywood, they say when you're lucky in love you won't be lucky with your careers, but the Scurlock Brothers managed to have both. And every news paper and magazine in the country is waiting for 'when would be trouble on brother's paradise?'

Josh has been married with the award winning writer Elydia Reyes for almost six years, Johnny with Ana for five years and there's no report or any signs that their marriage is on the rocks. People often assumed maybe Josh and Ana are really good actors and liars to put a cover up and every year it is written that their lovely marriage will both soon to end but every reports are all rumors.

And it has been Liza's job to prove that, she managed to have the reputation of telling the truth to the people and every reader agreed on her or never doubt her. If it comes from Liza Riggins it must be true.

So, the Scurlock Brothers continue to live with their happy and perfect married life, the kind of life fans wanted to believe. The kind of life Ana Vender wanted to believe.

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