It's So Nice to Be Happy

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Ana is watching Josh and Ely; they're cutting their wedding cake. The cast and the crew hailed with joy while Ely put a big slice on Josh's mouth. Josh acts like he's choking, everybody laughs and so does she.

Most people knew the story, she and Josh was a hot item then Ely came, the novelist who turned her bestsellers into a movie by Josh's brother Johnny.

Ely met Josh a long time ago, suffered from a romantic retardation, had the classic "one night stand", got pregnant, and then years later they met again and boom! The rest is history.

Aside from "the sexiest woman alive" title, she was branded as "bitch" then "prettiest woman alive". Then she established a certain respect and admiration to both men and women across the globe.

But her favorite title was "Josh Scurlock's girl" Ana smiled with that thought, she shook her head a bit then sip some brandy on her glass. There is a custom bar on the set and she's sitting there. Observing silently, she's at peace then Johnny came in.

"Is there something funny?" Johnny asked her, he's holding a glass and a bottle of Jack Daniels. He drank the shot on the glass then poured another. He didn't sit, his elbow was rested on the bar and he's facing Ana.

From the way Ana sees it, Johnny already passed the alcohol level he can take, he barely can hold on to his feet. Johnny couldn't stand up straight, Ana look at the bottle of Jack Daniel on his left hand, six more shots and Johnny is finished with the bottle.

"Are you okay?" Ana shows some concern.

"Yeah" Johnny scoff "I am freaking AWESOME!" he took the shot of liquor from his glass again; he didn't stop until there was nothing left.

Ana motions her glass at Johnny's; he looks at her with a silent message "What?"

"Pour me a drink." Ana said, she smiled at Johnny a little.

Johnny complies, he spilled some because he's too drunk to place the lid of the bottle on Ana's glass but Johnny tried his best.

Ana observed Johnny, after Johnny poured her drink, she sips a little and said: "You celebrate the occasion seriously."

"Yes I am" Johnny chuckles "You know...this is really funny." Johnny motions his hand holding a glass to the whole set.

"You mean...great!" Ana corrects Johnny because there is nothing funny on wedding ceremony. It's actually romantic, two people become one, marriage is a covenant, it's a serious matter and there is nothing so funny about that.

"Yeah...that's exactly what I meant." Johnny poured another shot, Ana is just watching him.

"But the funny thing is that..." Johnny stop talking to sip another shot of Jack Daniel from his glass then he continue after "I was supposed to be the one who is going to marry this month...or married either." Johnny scoffs again and took another sip then stares at his glass then decide to finish the shot and poured another one while he continue.

"Everything was prepared, hell! Josh is supposed to be my best man and not the other way around and then BOOM!" Johnny motions his hands into the air. "Puff!" he created a sound from his mouth like things just blew away.

"She changed her mind" Johnny chuckles "In front of our front of "extra extra" in front of million viewers, on national her wedding the church!" Johnny sips again from his glass "Super!...Epic fail!... Wonderful!" Johnny said then hatred plastered in his face.

Ana didn't know how to react, she was there, and she witnessed the tragedy. And to their surprised Johnny took it very well, until today.

"But enough of that" Johnny blinks his eyes like he's trying to avoid himself to fall sleep, he looks at Ana and asked "How are you?"

"I'm great" Ana smiled.

"Yeah, my fiancée...well ex-bitch-fiancée humiliated me and I feel great too." Johnny is being sarcastic.

"Really... Johnny, you self pitied on me?" Ana raised her left eyebrow. That's what she does when she started to feel she wanted to be bitchy.

"Yeah right, I totally forgot." Johnny scoffs "You're with Josh...and she married another girl." Johnny looks at her and smirk "that is freaking hilarious!" and then he laughs.

Ana didn't say anything she just shook her head slightly, then turn her eyes back at Johnny then smile sarcastically.

"But you know what's really hilarious?" Johnny chuckles a bit "When my brother made his public announcement about him and Ely." Johnny points his hand at his brother and Ely. Then he turns his look at Ana and continues.

"And when asked about Ana Vender..."Johnny scoffs then he imitates Josh "She's the most understanding human being on the planet, Ana Vender understands, we're cool and she's going to be Ely's maid of honor that's how cool she is." Then Johnny gazed at Ana.

That gazed...Johnny seems not like he is drunk.

"And you did!" Johnny continues while he gives Ana a hard eye.

"You're drunk!" Ana said, she avoids Johnny's eyes.

"No, no, no, no," Johnny motions his index finger back and forth "I'm not drunk! I remember everything, didn't I?" Johnny grinned.

"Johnny, being drunk doesn't make you forget." Ana said seriously "It actually made you remember in a very silly way." Ana squints a bit.

"Whatever" Johnny took another shot from the bottle and then said "There is more hilarious in the story."

"Johnny...please..." Ana pleads "Can you..."

"Shush!" Johnny puts his finger on her mouth to shut her. "I remember your interview." Johnny points his finger; he stopped then looks at her with furrowed eyebrows and eyes squinting a bit "After two months of hiding from the press you need to promote a movie then... swoohs!" Johnny motions his hand like he's performing a magic.

"And the million dollar questions, what can you say about Josh and your answer..." Johnny chuckles while he shakes his head. He had to take a grip from the bar because he unbalanced his feet then he imitates Ana's answer "Ely is a great woman, Josh knew her from way back and he truly loves her. And they have this gorgeous kid, they deserved each other and I'm happy for them." Johnny taps his hand on the bar three times while he screams "THAT WAS CLASSIC!"

"Alright, that's it." Ana is running out of patience, she took the bottle and the glass from Johnny and said "Let's get out of here."

"What?" Johnny furrowed his eyebrows.

"We will talk somewhere else." Ana is going all authoritative on Johnny.

"Are you hitting on me?" Johnny grinned and does some constant blinking.

"Let's go!" Ana put Johnny's arm on her shoulder and helps him walk to her car then she drive away from the wedding with Johnny.

Show Me The Way To Your Heart (Pentagon Series Book III)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora