What now (part 3)

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"I am?" Ana can't hide her shock then her eyes become teary, how come she doesn't remember any of it? What is going on? Ana shook her head vigorously, she's been married with Johnny for five years, how did it happen? Ana tried to recall her life with Johnny and there she goes again she can't remember anything she can't even feel a thing except that piercing pain on her head every time she push herself to recall that memory "You're kidding right?" Ana looked at Josh, her eyes plead "Tell me you're kidding, please." Ana starts to cry.

"I wish I am but I'm not." Josh pulled Ana to hug her, he gently caresses her head while Ana burst into tears "I know this is hard for you but you need to face the reality sweetie, you need to accept the fact that you're Mrs. Johnny Scurlock."

Ana gently move away from Josh and wipes her tears "If I am married with your brother for five years now..." Ana took a deep breath to compose herself because her next question brings so much trouble for her but she needs to know, it's possible if she's married with Johnny for five years now. "Do I have a child with your brother?"

"I'm afraid you do." Josh is hesitant to give a straight answer because he's worried that Ana is taking a lot of memories at the moment but he needs to tell her the truth.

"I have a kid?" Ana felt that strange feelings again, seconds ago she's terrified with that thought but now that Josh confirms it she likes the idea that she's now a mother.

"Kids... actually." Josh replied "You have twins, a boy and a girl."

"Really?" Ana can't hide her excitement, being a mother is one thing but to be a mother of twins that's awesome. How can she be so lucky and a boy and a girl, that's fantastic! "What do they look like? What are their names? How old are they? Do they know me? Am I a good mother to them?" Ana continuously asks questions.

"Hold on one second." Josh stop her with a smile on his face, he's amazed with Ana's excitement "One question at a time alright?"

She nodded then asks the first question "What are their names?"

"Lyrics and Melody" Josh replied "Lyrics is your boy in which you gave birth first then Melody is your daughter and she looks exactly just like you."

"Do they know me?" Ana asks and Josh can't stop himself from laughing "What kind of question is that?" Josh continues his giggles because Ana had this really naïve look and she's sincerely unaware of her twins. "Of course they know you, you and Johnny raise them together and you've been a good parents to them no matter how busy you are."

"How old are they?" Ana is really curious.

"They're three years old." Josh answered.

"Where are they now? Do they know that I'm in the hospital?" Ana flashed a worry look.

"They're with Johnny and Ely and my wife will try to explain them your condition, don't worry your twins are smart." Josh voice is reassuring "Ely and Johnny will talk to your kids and they will tell them what is going on, it would be hard for the twins but I'm sure my wife and my brother will do their best so the kids would understand your situation."

Condition... Situation... those words from Josh convinced her that she's really sick. Though it's a relief to know that her brain still works like it used to be and her intelligence is still intact she can't still deny the fact that losing those memories of her twins and her five years married life with Johnny is really disturbing. "I'm brain damaged." Ana said with disappointment but there's no hesitation on her voice she accepted that idea.

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