Dinner Party

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Once a month the 'circle of friends', namely Kyle, Liza, Josh, Ely, Ana, Tony, Johnny, Alex and Ace have dinner on each other's place. They started that when Josh married Ely, and as months passes by it became a tradition. Attendance is a must, but Ace don't usually appear because of his differences with Josh but he allowed his wife Alex to be present always.

And when the dinner party will be held at the Merrill's house, Josh will make his excuse not to come. Their friends settled a meeting for the two of them so they could make amends but instead of putting their differences and bargain so they can forgive and forget everything they usually end up fighting, their wives came up with a decision that it's hopeless for their husband to be friends again so they all given up.

What matters is, they are all friends, and sometimes, Josh and Ace were civil at any given circumstances. Like tonight, the dinner held at Ana's place. Everybody is present including Ace but both he and Josh avoid each other. When Kyle asks the boys to have a drink and boy's talk outside Ace and Josh come with them but they still ignore, avoid and not talking to each other, they're so used that they can pretend like neither one of them exists.

"This is terrible." Johnny said with disappointment "Why can't you put everything behind." He's talking to his brother and referring to Ace.

"Hey bro, I'm not the problem, he's the one who is being stubborn." Josh defends himself.

Ace didn't bother to react; he just filled his glass with scotch. Tony secretly taps Johnny's thigh, telling him to stop pushing.

"I can't believe that woman make her fortune by writing stuff involving her friends" Kyle said as he read the newspaper "I mean how do you think Liza sleep at night?" he asks his friends.

"Silk sheet with lots of money" Tony answered.

"Seriously man" Kyle express more disappointment "How can you let Liza meddle with your personal life." He's talking to Johnny and Josh and he included Ace in the conversation because Liza writes stuff about Alex also, Mrs. Merrill is an advertisement model and somewhat famous in that field, Alex also modeled some brands of apparel and cosmetics.

"Liza knew what she's doing, it's not like she's writing everything." Ace tried to enlighten Kyle and defend Liza.

"Yeah right" Kyle scoffs "Like she didn't write how Josh and Ely show their affection towards each other and how you and Alex became together, or how Johnny courted Ana."

"She writes what she sees, she doesn't ask question and I think that's fair, it's not like she's writing something that is not true or she make up some story to entertain the fans." Johnny defends Liza also.

"You know what, this all your fault you guys are acting like teen agers, especially you Johnny, I thought you love your privacy so much, but you always show some PDA's in front of everyone, like you want to be on the news." Kyle scolds Johnny.

"What can I say man, I'm in love and I can't suppress my feelings or stop myself by being sweet with Ana because of those reporters and paparazzi." Johnny explains his situation.

"You were never been in love Kyle." Tony butts-in "Until you fall in love you won't understand our situation."

"What do you mean I haven't been in love" Kyle opposed "More than anyone Josh here can prove I had been in love because I was in love with his wife Ely."

"Kyle you adored my wife, you're not in love with her you worshiped her." Josh corrects his emotion towards Ely.

Kyle thinks, and Josh has a point. Maybe he's in love with the idea of loving Ely for the rest of his life, but if he really loves her he won't give up on her.

"Love my friend is when you start to like someone you really hate the most." Johnny said like he's explaining to a kid "When you starts to feel something and care for someone you can't imagine you will feel or care for, when you start to see your future with the last person on your list you wanted to be with, like I am with my girlfriend Ana that's when you can say you are really in love." Johnny winks and flashed his famous grin.

"So she's your girl friend now huh?" Ace flashes his amused look. "What happened with I am not going to be with glamorous and famous women of Hollywood." Ace challenged Johnny.

"Exactly my point" Johnny exclaimed "I tried so hard my friend, and you know that little brother" Johnny turns to Josh then he look at nowhere, with smile on his face and sparks on his eyes like he's opening his Christmas present and said: "And that is what I called true love."

Josh scoffs "And how many true love can you get?" he start to tease his brother.

"As many as I can squeeze" Johnny motions his head and smile like he's lucky he can squeeze as many as he can. "Seriously though, I never felt like this before. I knew I've been in love and I felt I wanted to spend my life with Daneel but I really am glad I didn't" he gave everyone a serious look. "Ana and I are on the paper every day, I literally lost my privacy but I don't care at all, and I have never been this proud before. Normally I would hide with my girlfriend every time I sensed paparazzi but now..." Johnny shrugged his shoulders "I don't care" he rests his back on the chair.

"He's in looveee!!!" Tony said to everybody teasing Johnny.

But Johnny laughs at Tony, he ignore his bullying.

"I'm happy you felt that way towards Ana." Josh said sincerely then he starts to threaten his older brother "But if you hurt my best friend, and I mean hurt her in any way, I will hunt you down, I will forget you are my brother."

"That makes the two of us" Kyle adds up "I think Tony and Ace will agree with us, so, that makes the four of us."

"Not to mention all the ladies inside." Ace said and there's threat on his voice too.

Johnny chuckles. "We all threaten Josh the same way when he decided to be with Ely, so I think I know exactly what you guys mean, and rest assured that I won't hurt Ana. All I ever want in this life is to make her happy and to do everything so that both of us will find contentment and fulfillment with each other."

"Cheers to that!" Tony and Kyle said in unison then they raise their glasses, Josh Ace and Johnny raised their glasses too, and they gently knock each other's glass and drink the scotch. They all release a deep breath after they taste the bitter liquid, then they all laugh together afterwards.

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