Johnny & Ana

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This chapter was published on Million Miles Away (Pentagon series Book II) well, half of it. Now this is the real deal so I hope you will keep on reading. Thanks and enjoy!

"Where the fudge I am?" Johnny stared at the ceiling; he was lying on the bed, he look around and the room he was in is really not familiar. He went back staring at the white ceiling; he kept in that position wondering where he is.

Then he heard the shower splash, Johnny turn his eyes from where the water is coming. There's a door on the left side of the room, across the other door. The door on his left is frosted so Johnny figures it was the bathroom, not to mention the splash of water coming from the inside, he turn his eyes on the other door, that must the room door Johnny again figured.

He was at total lost; trying to remember where he is, then he heard a woman's voice. 'who is in the shower? And where the hell am I?' Johnny was shock. The woman in the bath is singing...Johnny furrowed his eyebrows while he identifies the woman's voice. Nada! 'Who is that woman singing bohemian rhapsody?' Johnny asks himself.

Johnny rose up from the bed instantly. He felt a striking pain on his head, and it hurts more when he remembered what happened yesterday. He was on his brother's wedding, it was Josh and Ely's wedding yesterday and he left to go to his trailer and get himself drunk. Then he thought of Daneel, his ex-fiancée, the reason why he get himself drunk last night.

"Ana!" Johnny turned his look on the bathroom, he remembers he's talking with Ana in an accustomed bar on the set of their movie "And I kiss Brian Goodbye". That's where Josh and Ely took their vows. Kyle made the event possible.

Then suddenly, Johnny felt a shiver through his spine, he's surprised to learn he's not wearing any shirt. He's half naked but Johnny doubter that. He checked inside the blanket wrapped around half of his body, and he was again shock to realize that he's totally naked!

He's confused, he tried to remember anything. But his head hurts more; he can't remember what really happened. He tried harder to rewind everything that had happened last night and he got nothing. Everything stopped after his conversation with Ana on the bar. Then his eyes catch the blood stain on the bed. 'It's not Ana, she can't be a virgin!' Johnny drew a deep breath; he was convinced and felt relieve, 'Thank God' Johnny whispered.

Then he heard the bathroom door open, he took his breath. While he waits who would be the mystery woman that will come out of the bathroom.

It's just seconds but Johnny felt it was like forever. He pointed his eyes on the floor, he wants to see her feet first, that's what attracts him the most. Women who have symmetrical feet, size really matters...not too small but definitely not size ten.

And Johnny can't help but smile with triumph when he saw a pair of feet came out. Just like the way he wanted and those legs as he travel his eyes slowly, one word can describe those legs, "perfect". It didn't escaped Johnny's eyes the half thigh length of the lavender robe that woman wears. That robe shows her perfect pair of legs.

Then slowly Johnny looks at her chest, and he can't prevent himself to gasp. Her robe was open a little bit and reveals the black lace bra, not to mention the cleavage and her neck.

'She passed my standard' Johnny is really happy with that thought.

Johnny closed his eyes for the moment of truth. The woman's face 'let her be beautiful' Johnny chants repeatedly on his mind.

Then slowly, he opened his left eye. He doesn't want to ruin the surprised. But even if it is just one eye half open the surprised is already ruined.

"Ana, what the fu..." Johnny paused; Ana just gave him a warning look. 'No cursing please.'

Johnny gulps, 'it can't be her' he said to himself, and then out of nowhere, he noticed the pair of eyes looking at him. There is something different in those eyes. He knew Ana for years and he's pretty sure her eyes are blue. But now, it's different, it's green, not garden green but emerald green and the way those eyes stares at him.

She's not just looking at his face, it seems like Ana is reading whatever he had in his mind. Johnny wants to avoid her stare but he can't turn his look away from her. Ana is not wearing any make-up yet she's still beautiful.

And her lip, those lips that is barely gaping offers a unique sensation to him. Johnny took the pillow and covered his manhood, and then he delivered a mortified smile. Ana sensed what Johnny is going through at the moment, she managed to ignore the idea but she failed to hide and avoid smiling.

"You should get dressed" Ana ordered Johnny to whisk his embarrassment "Hollywood is waiting for us" she continued then flash a smile.

Johnny gulp again, he memorized Ana Vender's smile, her smile on her photo shoot, magazine covers, premiere nights, awards night and so many other things Ana went to put her smile.

But the kind of smile she just flashed is different, pretty strange for Johnny, it's like Ana is flirting...No...not flirting, It's more like attractive. There was sincerity in that smile, that smile delivered innocence or like she's somewhat naïve. Johnny can't pinpoint the right word but he never saw that kind of smile before.

When Ana removed the tie of her robe, Johnny holds his breath again. Ana started to undress, Johnny plastered a surprise look on his face, she's wearing a pair of Victoria Secret's underwear. Johnny knew that because his ex-fiancée Daneel made an advertisement for those pair.

When Ana walks towards the closet Johnny can't help but gasp again, he can't ignore the perfect body figure in front of him. 'You really are the sexiest woman alive' Johnny muttered under his breath.

Ana heard that, she chuckles as she turns her head at Johnny and said "Will you please get dress!"

Johnny clears his throat, for a while he was in a trance; Ana put him into a light trance. Johnny shook his head, 'that's Ana Vender, Johnny, you must be out of your mind.' He scolds himself.

Johnny quickly dressed himself and went outside the room. 'I need a cup of coffee' he told to himself, he can't think straight until he had his coffee in the morning. He rushed himself to the kitchen, he saw the coffeemaker full. Johnny wander his eyes all over, he's looking for a cup. He saw a cupboard, he opens it quickly and pulled one cup then pour himself some coffee.

As he slowly drunk his coffee, his mind is wondering to what had happened last night. How did he end up at Ana's place? Or in hell he ended up sleeping with his brother's ex girlfriend.


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