Oh Dear!

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Ely's conclusion and doctor diagnosis are the same; Ana Vender is suffering from selective amnesia.

"Tell me" Johnny furrowed his brows and he's walking back and forth "I don't understand what you're saying and you got to need to repeat it to me and explain things to me like I'm five years old."

"Your wife has selective amnesia." The doctor said it again.

"Yeah, you told me that already and I heard you the first time, what the hell was that supposed to mean?" Johnny loses his temper "she remembers my brother and yet she doesn't remember me or Ely."

"I think that's what exactly what the doc meant, selective... right?" Josh tried to joke around so his brother would feel better.

"Don't... Stop!" Johnny warned his younger brother "now is not the right moment for your jokes!" Johnny raises his voice a bit "What I meant was how it happened? Why is it happening to her?" Johnny looks at the doctor "Why?"

"Selective amnesia can occur if the patient suffered from great loss or pain..." the doctor explained "Sometimes emotional breakdown before the accident. The patient tend to block the memory to escape the pain or to escape oneself from sufferings...I mean emotional sufferings."

"So you're saying my wife had an emotional trauma before she had an accident?" Johnny is really confused.

"Where did she come from before her accident?" The doctor asked Johnny.

"I don't know, she's on West Hollywood." Johnny is still confused "Maybe she's going somewhere or she's meeting someone..."

"You don't know where your wife is going?" the doctor asked again.

"What are you an FBI agent of course I do know where my wife is going!" Johnny is angry.

"Then how come you don't know where she's going or where she went that day she had an accident?" the doctor again asked.

"What the..." Johnny starts to move and motion he would smack the doctor's face.

"Hey,hey!" Josh interfere "I think what the doctor's trying to say here is... we need to know what happened before the accident so we can figure what to do with your wife."

"You did hear him right?" Johnny is still angry "He speaks like there is something wrong with my marriage, there is nothing wrong with our marriage!" Johnny raised his voice.

"I didn't mean it that way, I'm sorry." The doctor apologizes.

"Johnny please." Ely said with tenderness "Can you please calm down and think what happened that day, is there something happened before or after you were at your office? Did you talk with Ana? Did you have an argument or something?"

"My wife and I never had an argument; we talk things and solve matters with love and understanding." Johnny think and then froze, he remembers Daneel "It can't be, she can't be..." Johnny flashed his confused look "My secretary never said anything...but... she could have been...maybe she...my wife..." Johnny starts to lose his grip, he rest his back on the wall.

"What?" Josh asked.

"That day..." Johnny took a deep breath "Daneel was at my office and she tried to..." Johnny looked both to his brother and Ely with shame on his face "Daneel said she still loves me and things went out of my hand and she..."

"Please tell me you didn't made love to her in your office." Ely said with disappointment flustered all over her face.

"I didn't!" Johnny said abruptly "But things happened so fast and next thing I knew I was on the couch and Daneel was on top of me half naked and..."

"You've got to be kidding!" Ely butts again and this time she can't hide her anger. Ana is like a family to her, regardless she's sister in law or not. Ely treats Ana, Liza and Alex like her real sisters since she's the only daughter of her parents. And even if things are different or Ana is like a stranger to her the fact that Johnny cheated on Ana is not acceptable. Men who cheated on their wives are not acceptable.

"You better call your secretary and ask her if Ana went to your office that day." Josh said.

Johnny did what Josh said he called his secretary and when Johnny looked at his brother with shocked all over his face while he's still on his cell phone Josh get the message that his brother's fear is confirmed... Ana went to see his brother to his private office that day and saw that office couch with Daneel on top of Johnny half naked!

Josh shakes his head and said "You're screwed big brother!"

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